
时间:2012-06-29 13:08:13
更新时间:2012-06-29 13:08:13
ofdm matlab 代码 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) is a powerful technique employed in com- munications systems su ering from frequency selectivity. Combined with multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver as well as adaptive modulation, OFDM proves to be robust against channel delay spread. Furthermore, it leads to signi cant data rates with improved bit error performance over links having only a single antenna at both the transmitter and receiver. This project demonstrates OFDM with adaptive modulation applied to Multiple-Input Multiple- Output (MIMO) systems. We apply an optimization algorithm to obtain a bit and power al- location for each subcarrier assuming instantaneous channel knowledge. The analysis and sim- ulation is considered in two stages. The rst stage involves the application of a variable-rate variable-power MQAM technique for a Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) OFDM system. This is compared with the performance of xed OFDM transmission where a constant rate is applied to each subcarrier. The second stage applies adaptive modulation to a general MIMO system by making use of the Singular Value Decomposition to separate the MIMO channel into parallel subchannels. For a two-input antenna, two-output antenna system, the performance is compared with the performance of a system using selection diversity at the transmitter and maximal ratio combining at the receiver
----OFDM Simulator.htm(6KB)
----Project Report 359.pdf(206KB)
----EE359 Project.htm(5KB)


  • 代码不错,初学很有帮助
  • 代码很有用
  • 代码不错,初学很有帮助
  • 还可以吧就是看不太懂
  • 太多不太看得懂
  • 很有帮组,谢谢分享!!!!!!!!!
  • 挺有用的,赞。。
  • 对于学习OFDM很有用,谢谢分享
  • 还可以,不错,代码类
  • 很好的代码 感谢楼主分享,给力
  • 很全,也可以运行……
  • 下了那么多的代码,最后还是觉得这个好,图是我想要的,有OFDM详细的各个过程的图,像加窗、前缀这些
  • 代码挺全的 也可以运行 注释写的狠详细 值得参考
  • 下了,但是没有时间看,不过挺详细的。。。。
  • 很有帮助,谢谢楼主
  • 很有用 很受益
  • 注释很详细,代码也比较全,很好哦
  • 太棒了,本人亲测,可以完美运行。谢谢分享
  • 代码挺全的 挺不错的
  • 太棒了,代码还加了注释,很给力
  • 是mimo-ofdm仿真,刚刚才发现AWGN.M是主文件啊
  • 多谢上传代码,而且有注释,不错
  • 不错,参考了一些
  • 不错,对我的学习很有帮助
  • 是pudn上面的,还不错。就是多浪费了我两分啊
  • 代码比较全,而且有注释,不错
  • 代码比较全,很不错
  • 不错的资源,OFDM中的东西比较全面。谢谢楼主
  • 代码可以运行,但结构比较复杂,说明不是很清楚,代码风格一般。(注:awgn.m是主文件)
  • 多谢上传代码 这样我编起来就轻松多了!!