Android Studio Application Development

时间:2017-03-28 07:48:02

文件名称:Android Studio Application Development



更新时间:2017-03-28 07:48:02


Create visually appealing applications using the new IntelliJ IDE Android Studio Overview Familiarize yourself with Android Studio IDE Enhance the user interface for your app using the graphical editor feature Explore the various features involved in developing an android app and implement them In Detail Mobile apps have become extremely popular over the last few years and offer a great opportunity for developers. Android is now one of the most popular mobile systems in the world. The new Android Studio IDE has introduced a specialized development environment, welcomed by the emerging Android community, which is perfect for the development of apps. “Android Studio Application Development” is a practical guide that will show you how to develop and build Android apps using this new, integrated development environment. Following a tutorial approach, this book will progress from the basics features up until the steps to build for release, using real world examples. This book is a must have for every Android app developer evangelist. Our book explores the Android Studio development environment in-depth, taking you through the necessary steps to create an app, test it, and prepare it for release. First, you will learn how to use the code editor in order to increase your productivity, and to easily create the screens of your app. Then, this book will show you how to debug your app and examine its performance using the most important additional tools within Android Studio: Android SDK tools. We will also take a look at the existing Google Play Services and how they can be integrated into your app. Finally, it is important for a developer to be able to search for any help they might need. This book provides a vast help section which covers online documentation, updates, and FAQs. What you will learn from this book Install Android Studio and configure the Android Software Development Kit Create your first project and explore its structure Improve your productivity while programming, by getting the best from the code editor Design the user interface and learn how to handle user events Integrate the Google Play Services into your app Test your app using the emulator and learn how to manage the virtual devices Run and debug your app Monitor your app whilst it is running and improve its performance Build your app for release Approach A practical guide, which will show you how to create Android applications using the new Google official IDE, Android Studio. Who this book is written for If you are a developer who wants to learn the key features of Android Studio, and learn how to create their first app, this book is ideal for you! Developers interested in this book should be familiar with the object- oriented programming paradigm, and the Java programming language. It is also recommended that you understand the main characteristics of the Android mobile system. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Installing and Configuring Android Studio Chapter 2: Starting a Project Chapter 3: Navigating a Project Chapter 4: Using the Code Editor Chapter 5: Creating User Interfaces Chapter 6: Google Play Services Chapter 7: Tools Chapter 8: Debugging Chapter 9: Preparing for Release Chapter 10: Getting Help Book Details Title: Android Studio Application Development Author: Belén Cruz Zapata Length: 110 pages Edition: 1 Language: English Publisher: Packt Publishing Publication Date: 2013-10-15 ISBN-10: 1783285273 ISBN-13: 9781783285273


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