猎头系统 C# ( 人才求职招聘)

时间:2012-03-16 14:37:58
文件名称:猎头系统 C# ( 人才求职招聘)
更新时间:2012-03-16 14:37:58
猎头 c# 人才 求职 微软示例代码--猎头系统! Jobs Site Starter Kit (JSSK) Introduction Jobs Site Starter Kit is a web application that provides a platform for candidates seeking job and the employers to share their needs. The candidates seeking job (referred as job seekers now onwards) can perform following operations: Register with the web site. Post their resume. Modify their resume. Search for job postings. Browse searched job postings. Add job posting to their favorites list. Add frequently used searches to their favorites list. The employers can perform following operations: Register with the web site. Enter profile of their company. Post one or more job postings. Modify the job postings. Search the resume database. Browse searched resumes. Add resumes to their favorites list. ASP.NET 2.0 Feature utilization in JSSK JSSK is developed using ASP.NET 2.0 and uses following features: Completely based on n-tier architecture Forms based authentication User management via Membership providers Role based security Profiles Themes Master pages New data source controls - ObjectDataSource New data bound controls – GridView and DetailsView New navigational controls – TreeView New login controls – Login, PasswordRecovery, LoginName and LoginStatus Web parts for customization User controls for reusing code and markup User and Roles By default there are three roles in the system: admin jobseeker employer Following are the users and their roles that are already defined in the system for testing purpose. User ID Password Role Purpose ravi pass$word employer This user is an employer. Can post job openings and search resumes. alok pass$word jobseeker This user is a job seeker. Can post resume and search job openings. admin admin admin This is an administrative user. Can add system parameters such as Experience and Educational Levels. Registering as a Job Seeker In order to register as a Job Seeker follow these steps: Start the web site Select Register option from left hand TreeView User registration wizard will appear Enter registration details such as First Name, Last Name, User ID and so on On the last step register as Job Seeker Registering as an Employer Start the web site Select Register option from left hand TreeView User registration wizard will appear Enter registration details such as First Name, Last Name, User ID and so on On the last step register as Employer Using TreeView Options Once you sign in to the system as a Job Seeker or Employer, you can access respective options from the TreeView. You can access only the options belonging to your role (jobseeker or employer) Job Seeker Options Post Resumes This option allows job seekers to post their resumes. One candidate can store only one resume in the database. Search Jobs Using Search Jobs option job seekers can search for available job opportunities from the database. My Favorites When you search for jobs the results can be stored as your favorites jobs in the database. In addition you can also save the search criteria as your favorite search criteria. Employer Options Post Jobs Using this option employers can post job opportunities in the database. These opportunities can be searched by the job seekers. Search Resumes Employers can search available resume database through this option. Company Profile Employers can also specify the profile on the company. My Favorites When you search for resumes the search results can be saved as your favorites in the database. Administrative Options Education Levels Using this option administrator can add/edit/delete education levels. Experience Levels Using this option administrator can add/edit/delete experience levels. Publishing your Site When you are ready to share your Web site with others, you can copy it to your Web server. You need to know the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) address of your server, and if required, the user name and password you use. In the Website menu, click Copy Web Site. The Copy Web Site tool displays the files from your Web site under Source Web Site. In the Connect to box, click Connect to .... In the Open Web Site dialog box, click the FTP Sites tab. Type the FTP address of your server, and if required, the user name and password that your hosting site has provided. The FTP URL usually has a format like this: ftp://ftp.servername/foldernameClick Open. The files on the Web server are displayed under Remote Web Site. Note: If you have trouble connecting to the server, contact the server administrator. In the Move Files list, click All source files to remote Web site. Click the Copy Web Site button. The files from your Personal Web Site are copied to the server.


  • 都是英文的,感觉一般
  • 很不错,特别适用于c#的学者参考。
  • 不是很实用。功能很粗糙。
  • 还行,可以参考下。