
时间:2019-12-23 07:55:28
更新时间:2019-12-23 07:55:28
.NET C++ CLI Development Enter a world of hardcore back-end, server-side enterprise programming on the .NET platform. This book presents some of the important aspects of the C++/CLI language that often become a barrier preventing programmers from exploring further. The C++/CLI Primer is a powerful but compact book that will guide you through that barrier. Many of today's complex transactions and enterprise applications count on C++/CLI. Visual Studio 2015 and earlier versions support C++/CLI if you program using an IDE. C++/CLI is unattractive, clumsy, and hard when compared to other modern languages that run on the .NET platform. That's because it is powerful. Like light that can be viewed as a wave or particle, C++/CLI can be exercised as an unmanaged or managed or actually as the sandwich language to do mixed mode programming, which is its real power. That's also why it is unique. What You'll Learn Discover C++/CLI and why is it used in .NET programming Work with types, primitive types, object creation, and managed and abstract classes Use abstract classes in C++/CLI Harness the power of nullptre Implement code that uses boxing/unboxing Use equality/identity, properties, enums, strings, arrays, and more Who This Book Is For Experienced Microsoft .NET application developers, familiar with .NET framework and C++. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Words of Agreement Chapter 3: Unmanaged Programming Brief Chapter 4: Managed Programming Brief Chapter 5: What Is C++\CLI? Chapter 6: Ty pes and Object Creation Chapter 7: Primitive Ty pes Mapping Chapter 8: User-Def ined Value Types Chapter 9: Reference Ty pes Chapter 10: Garbage Collection Intro Chapter 11: Declaring and Consuming a Managed Class Chapter 12: Boxing/Unboxing Chapter 13: Object Destruction Chapter 14: Scope of a Managed Object Chapter 15: Mixed Mode Chapter 16: Equality and Identity Chapter 17: Abstract Classes Chapter 18: Nullptr Chapter 19: Declaring Properties Chapter 20: Strings Chapter 21: Arrays—Not [] But cli:: array Chapter 22: A Second Look at GC Chapter 23: Generics Chapter 24: The Beginning
