更新时间:2015-07-26 11:24:56
ubuntu erlang deb
余辛苦六天,方才找到,欲得两分,望汝不骂吾才是。若两分亦无,亦可邮来email(to:alexstocks@foxmail.com)索要。 使用说明: 1,把文件拷贝到ubuntu任意位置; 2,双击之; 3,出现ubuntu software对话框后,点击中间的install button,其自动安装; 4,不同机器安装速度不一样,耐心等待; 5,安装成功,你谢谢deb包的开发者,然后代开ubuntu的terminal,输入erl命令即可运行。 6,安装失败,你骂我好了,并把你的ubunt版本、是否是在虚拟机和其下的虚拟机软件名称和版本与再其下的os名称和版本、硬件(cpu、memory、Mainboard、disk)等信息email给我,我帮你找能用的版本。 软件相关信息: This package contains the Erlang/OTP runtime implementation, which is configured and built with HiPE support (allows compiling to native code), and minimal set of Erlang applications: compiler - compiles Erlang code to byte-code; erts - the Erlang runtime system application; kernel - code necessary to run the Erlang runtime system itself; sasl - the system architecture support libraries application; stdlib - modules for manipulating lists, strings, files etc.