时间:2012-07-18 09:54:13
更新时间:2012-07-18 09:54:13
Wireless Networks; Wireless Access; BROADBAND WIRELESS ACCESS Benny Bing KLUWER ACADEMIC PUBLISHERS 9 chapters, 261 pages The last century has seen the introduction of many types of wireless communication services which have become the cornerstone of modern telecommunications. Broadcast radio and television have dramatically changed our perception and understanding of the world we live in. The use of cellular phones has brought about the freedom to roam to different vicinities and yet communicate. More importantly, the success of cellular wireless service in support of vehicular and pedestrian users has created a pressing demand for such wireless service to be coupled with emerging broadband wireline infrastructure involving the Internet, thereby extending the benefits of multimedia services from the home and business environments, and heralding in a new era of anyone, anywhere, anytime, any media communications. As we start the new millennium, such exciting wireless communication technologies are already evolving and expanding at a phenomenal pace. Third-generation personal communication systems have been planned while high-speed wireless asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) networks and wireless Internet connectivity are the major focus of recent research efforts. These broadband networks aim to provide integrated, packet-oriented, transmission of text, graphics, voice, image, video, and computer data between individuals as well as in the broadcast mode.


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