文件名称:For teachers. Neisworth, J. T., Deno, S. L. and Jenkins, J. R. Student motivation and classroom management: A behavioristic approach. Newark, Del.: Behavior Technics, 1969, 123 p., [dollar] 3.95 (paper)
更新时间:2024-07-19 12:41:12
学术 论文
For teachers. Neisworth, J. T., Deno, S. L. and Jenkins, J. R. Student motivation and classroom management: A behavioristic approach. Newark, Del.: Behavior Technics, 1969, 123 p., [dollar] 3.95 (paper) 406 BOOK REVIEWS NEISWORTH, J. T., DENO, S. L., and JENKINS, J. R. Student Motivation and Class- room Management: A Behavioristic Approach. Newark, Del. : Behavior Tech- nics, 1969, 123 p., $3.95 (paper). The booklet by Buckley and Walker is aimed at teachers and teachers in training wh