Ray Wenderlich_iOS_11_by_Tutorials_v1.0-完整源码code

时间:2021-11-19 03:58:36
文件名称:Ray Wenderlich_iOS_11_by_Tutorials_v1.0-完整源码code
更新时间:2021-11-19 03:58:36
IOS 移动开发 apple 苹果 iphone Ray Wenderlich经典出品的IOS教程,覆盖最新的ML core深度学习模块以及AR core增强现实模块,本资源打包教程中所有涉及到的源码,因资源大小问题,电子文档PDF和EPUB格式的文件在另一个压缩包中!Learn the new iOS 11 APIs with Swift 4! Discover the new features for developers in iOS 11, such as ARKit, Core ML, Vision, drag & drop, document browsing, the new changes in Xcode 9 and Swift 4 — and much, much more.
