Game Engine Architecture Second Edition part 2 - Jason Gregory

时间:2017-10-02 08:36:00

文件名称:Game Engine Architecture Second Edition part 2 - Jason Gregory



更新时间:2017-10-02 08:36:00


Preface to the Second Edition In this, the second edition of Game Engine Architecture, my goal was threefold. First, I wanted to update the book to include information on some new and exciting topics, including that latest variant of the C++ programming language, C++11, and the architecture of the eighth generation of gaming consoles—the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4. Second, I wanted to fill in some gaps in the content of the original book. Most notably, I decided to include a brand new chapter on audio technology. This decision was based in part on requests from you, my loyal and always helpful readers. It was also based in part on the fact that, to my knowledge, no book currently exists that covers the fundamentals of the physics, mathematics and technology that go into the creation of a AAA game audio engine. Audio plays a crucially important role in any great game, and it is my sincere hope that the audio chapter in this book will help at least a little to open up the field of game audio technology to a wider audience. Third, I wanted to repair the various errata that were brought to my attention by my readers. Thank you! I hope you’ll find that the mistakes you found have all been fixed—and replaced by a whole new batch of mistakes that you can tell me about for the third edition! Of course, as I've said before, the field of game engine programming is almost unimaginably broad and deep. There’s no way to cover every topic in one book. As such, the primary purpose of this book remains to serve as an awareness-building tool and a jumping-off point for further learning. I hope you find this edition helpful on your journey through the fascinating and multifaceted landscape of game engine architecture.


  • 感谢作者和UP
  • If you download part1, part2 should be downloaded.
  • 看來要花點時間好好讀讀
  • 想自己去做一个游戏 看看怎么样
  • This book is very good. but need some base on C++ and Algorithm.
  • 看本书时,最好能对照游戏引擎源代码来读,应该会很有帮助,我现在就在学习本书。