Stress management for school personnel: Stress-inoculation training and exercise

时间:2024-07-19 11:32:50

文件名称:Stress management for school personnel: Stress-inoculation training and exercise



更新时间:2024-07-19 11:32:50

学术 论文

Stress management for school personnel: Stress-inoculation training and exercise 314 Rik Carl D’Amato and Raymond S. Dean STARR, A. (1977). Rehearsal for living: Psychodrama. Chicago: Nelson Hall. TANNER, F. A. (1966). Basic drama projects. Pocatello, ID: Clark. TORTO, J., 8t CORNYETZ, P. (1945). Psychodrama as expressive and projective technique. Psychodrama Monographs, 14, 1-22. URTZ, F. P., dt KAHN, K. B. (1982, Jan.). Using drama as an outreach and consultation tool. Personnel an
