[Google Guice] Google Guice 学习教程 (英文版)

时间:2017-03-24 05:39:25

文件名称:[Google Guice] Google Guice 学习教程 (英文版)



更新时间:2017-03-24 05:39:25

Google Guice

☆ 资源说明:☆ [Packt Publishing] Google Guice 学习教程 (英文版) [Packt Publishing] Learning Google Guice (E-Book) ☆ 图书概要:☆ Utilize dependency injection to develop applications quickly and efficiently using Google Guice Overview Detailed coverage of the various features of Guice such as the Injector, Bindings, Providers, TypeLiterals, Scoping, Multibinders, and so on Learn how to use the various Guice-throwing providers, Guice-multibinder, Guice-servlet, Guice-struts2, and Guice-persist in various areas of application development Focus on web application development using Struts 2, Hiberate 3, and JPA 2 while managing dependencies using Guice Coverage of advanced topics such as extending Guice to cater for your specific requirements ☆ 出版信息:☆ [作者信息] Hussain Pithawala [出版机构] Packt Publishing [出版日期] 2013年09月25日 [图书页数] 132页 [图书语言] 英语 [图书格式] PDF 格式

[Packt Publishing] Learning Google Guice.pdf


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  • 项目中正好用得上,学习了
  • 不错,很好,比翻译的好多了,写得还是满不错的
  • 不错的资源,很好用
  • 不错,很好,比翻译的好多了,写得还是满不错的
  • 不错,很好,真需要用,感谢LZ
  • 不错,很好,比翻译的好多了
  • 写得还是满不错的,就是例子少了点儿