Android代码-Android 图片点击全屏放大效果

时间:2022-08-25 23:13:53
文件名称:Android代码-Android 图片点击全屏放大效果
更新时间:2022-08-25 23:13:53
Android代码 Image-Zoomer Specs Image zoomer provides easy way to add zoom animations to you ImageButton. You can set the animation duration and reverse mode to reverse the animation. Featured in Screenshots Zoom Zoom Reverse Integration ImageZoomer is available in the MavenCentral, so getting it as simple as adding it as a dependency compile 'com.vatsal.imagezoomer:image-zoomer:1.0.2' Usage Method 1 : XML In your activity_main.xml file use this code instead of ImageButton: Attributes • To set the
