acoustic toolbox

时间:2023-03-09 09:12:53

文件名称:acoustic toolbox



更新时间:2023-03-09 09:12:53


The Acoustics ToolBox includes four acoustic models: BELLHOP: A beam/ray trace code (Bellhop users guide) KRAKEN: A normal mode code (Kraken users guide) SCOOTER: A finite element FFP code SPARC: A time domain FFP code In addition, AT contains BOUNCE, which computes the reflection coefficient for a layered medium and may be used to provide input to BELLHOP. A common input structure has been used throughout so that only minor modifications are needed to switch from one program to another. All the models produce `shade' files that can be processed using a common set of plotting routines to plot transmission loss vs. range or vs. range and depth.
