文件名称:SSPACE for scaffolding
更新时间:2016-06-23 20:29:49
SSPACE scaffold assembly RNAseq
The main featues are; * Inputs are simple FASTA contig sequences as well as (multiple) FASTA/FASTQ paired-read data * High-quality scaffolds in a short runtime and limited memory requirements * High reduction of the amount of contigs stored into scaffolds and high N50 value * Multiple library input of both paired-end and/or mate pair datasets * Possible contig extension of unmapped sequence reads * Easy interpretation of the final scaffolds * Visualization of the final scaffolds using GraphViz
----F132-01 SSPACE_Basic_User_Manual_v2.0.pdf(92KB)
----F132-02 SSPACE_Basic_Tutorial_v2.0.pdf(92KB)