USB3.0协议 官方标准

时间:2013-08-11 10:01:36
文件名称:USB3.0协议 官方标准
更新时间:2013-08-11 10:01:36
USB3.0 协议 标准 1.The USB 3.0 Specification released on November 12, 2008 2.USB 3.0 Adopters Agreement 3.New Addition of Link Command LDN Engineering Change Notice as of April 4, 2009 4.USB 3.0 Standard-B and Standard-B Crosstalk Engineering Change Notice as of April 4, 2009 5.Reset Propagation Engineering Change Notice as of May 8, 2009 6.Reset Propagation Figure 7.Q1 09 USB 3.0 Errata as of May 15, 2009 8.Clarification on the Chamfer on USB 3.0 Micro Connectors ECN as of March 23, 2010 9.Maximum Unmating Force Value Definition to USB 3.0 Micro Connectors ECN as of March 23, 2010 10.State Machines Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010 11.Efficient ISO and PINGs Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010 12.Contact Plating Thickness Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010 13.Standard-B Connector Near End Crosstalk Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010 14.USB 3.0 Errata as of June 9, 2010
----ECN 001 (LDN120508).pdf(36KB)
----USB 3 0 (11132008)-final.pdf(3.38MB)
----ECN 004 USB3 Micro Chamfer.pdf(95KB)
----ECN 003 (Reset Propagation).pdf(25KB)
----USB 3.0_Adopters Agreement_Final_111308.pdf(28KB)
----ECN 002 _CabCon-1_.pdf(119KB)
----ECN 003 (Reset Propagation) Figure.pdf(544KB)
----ECN 005_MicroUSB30_Unmating_V1 .pdf(75KB)
----Q1-09 USB3_Errata.pdf(261KB)


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  • 真心不错,值得下载,赞一个
  • 好用,是从事USB相关开发的好资料。
  • 要啃下来有一定难度,倒在了英文面前。
  • 终于找到完整的了
  • 东西挺多的,还有修改记录呢。
  • 还可以,挺不错的东西
  • 慢慢看吧,看起来真费力
  • 感谢,这正是我需要的源生资料!
  • 原版的协议看起来还是好
  • 要是中文的就好了。。
  • 内容挺好,英文版的。应该是官方文档没错。
  • 这可是有些难得的资源,虽然是英文的,慢慢看。总会有收获的。
  • 非常好,但是是英文版的,看起来有点小累。
  • 如果是中文的就太爽了!
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  • 资料还不错,就是英文看的我吃力啊~
  • 挺详细,好好看看
  • 非常感谢,虽然有点太过简略,一共才14页.....
  • 挺好的官方文档,正在看,东西挺多