
时间:2021-04-22 13:29:55
更新时间:2021-04-22 13:29:55
NBU 调度类型和备份类型 备份类型 调度窗口是否打开? 发起类型 自动 手动 用户 Full Yes for auto Yes Yes No Cumulative Yes for auto Yes Yes No Differential Yes for auto Yes Yes No User backup Yes No No Yes User archive Yes No No Yes Schedules define the type of backup and timing of backup jobs. >>> Schedules are defined for two types of backups—automatic-scheduled and client-requested. Automatic schedule types include Full, Cumulative Incremental, and Differential Incremental. Client-requested schedules specify when users can start user backups and archives from the clients. This can be further broken into user backup schedule types or user archive schedule types. >>> For schedule methods, there are two: frequency-based and calendar-based. When b-p-sched starts, it searches for schedules, either calendar-based or frequency-based, that have open windows. The b-p-sched utility builds a work list accordingly, consisting of backup jobs that are due to run. Frequency-based schedules typically run every day, every hour, every 4 hours, etc. Calendar-based schedules run specifically on certain days of the week or days of the month. >>> Frequency-based or calendar-based schedules require the backup window to be open for the job to start; however, the backup jobs do not have to complete within the window, they simply have to start within the window.
