
时间:2021-04-22 13:30:10
更新时间:2021-04-22 13:30:10
NBU 自动调度的备份类型 Full Cumulative Differential Sun Wed Tue Mon Thu Fri Sat Everything since the last full or incremental backup Everything since the last full backup There are three types of automatic backups full backups, differential incremental backups, and cumulative incremental backups. A full backup backs up all files. A differential backup backs up all files that have been modified since the last full or incremental backup. A cumulative backup backs up the files that have been modified since the last full backup. Here’s an example of a differential backup. >>> On Sunday, a full backup is performed. >>> On Monday, the differential backup backs up the files that have changed since Sunday. >>> On Tuesday, the differential backup backs up the files that have changed since Monday. >>> On Wednesday, the differential backup backs up the files that have changed since Tuesday, and so on. The benefit of a differential backup is that the files back up quickly because they are small. The drawback to a differential backup is that there are more files to restore. For example, if you want to restore the environment to its state on Wednesday, you must restore the full backup and the three differential backups from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Now for a cumulative backup example. On Sunday, a full backup is performed. >>>On Monday, the cumulative backup backs up the files that have changed since Sunday. >>>On Tuesday, the cumulative backup backs up the files that have changed since Sunday. >>>On Wednesday, the cumulative backup backs up the files that have changed since Sunday, and so on. The benefit of a cumulative backup is that restores are quicker and easier. To restore the environment to its state on Wednesday, you only need the full backup and Wednesday’s cumulative backup. The drawback to the cumulative backup is that the backups get larger each day.
