
时间:2020-10-13 08:11:35




更新时间:2020-10-13 08:11:35


RTL8306E软件开发寄存器操作编程指南 RTL8306E/8306M/8304E PROGRAMMING GUIDE The RTL8306E release package contains ASIC drivers, which provides general APIs that based on user configuration to configure relative ASIC registers. Inside of the ASIC driver, it uses GPIO to emulate MDC/MDIO signal to communicate with RTL8306E. This part needs to be porting to the target platform. The RTL8306E release package can also be applied to other chips, such as RTL8304E/RTL8306M. These ASICs may have different port numbers. For example RTL8304E only have 4 ports, but RTL8306E have 6 ports. The port number descriptions for different ASICs can be found in chapter 7. This SDK API programming guide file uses RTL8306E as an example to descript the usage of API functions. But for different ASICs, the port parameter which is needed by some API fu nction is different from RTL8306E , due to the AISCs’ different port numbers. So in order to us e ASIC driver code, it’s recommended for you to make clear of the ASIC’s port number at first. And then make some configuration code modification based on the descriptions of sector 3.3 an d chapter 7
