A follow-up of disadvantaged kindergarten children in second grade reading

时间:2021-06-29 19:36:35
文件名称:A follow-up of disadvantaged kindergarten children in second grade reading
更新时间:2021-06-29 19:36:35
学术 论文 A follow-up of disadvantaged kindergarten children in second grade reading A FOLLOW-UP OF DISADVANTAGED KINDERGARTEN CHILDREIV I N SECOND GRADE READING J. M. SASSENRATH AND ROBERT E. MADDUX Uiiiversity of California, Davis Woodland School District In an earlier paper, Sassenrath and Maddux (1974) reported a study dealing with the effects of language background (English or English and Spanish), sex and type of language instruction (Distar, Peabody, Standard) on the language develop-
