Effects of length of school day on kindergarten school performance and parent satisfaction

时间:2021-06-29 18:34:34
文件名称:Effects of length of school day on kindergarten school performance and parent satisfaction
更新时间:2021-06-29 18:34:34
学术 论文 Effects of length of school day on kindergarten school performance and parent satisfaction Psychologv in the Schools 1982, 19, 238-242 EFFECTS O F LENGTH O F SCHOOL DAY ON KINDERGARTEN SCHOOL PERFORMANCE AND PARENT SATISFACTION G O R D O N L. ULREY, K A R E N ALEXANDER, BRUCE B E N D E R , A N D H O W A R D GILLIS University of Colorado Health Sciences Center A study was conducted to assess the effects of changing the length and regularity of the kindergarten school day on
