文件名称:VGA/LCD Core v2.0 Specifications
更新时间:2012-07-13 16:39:31
The OpenCores Enhanced VGA/LCD Controller Core provides VGA capabilities for embedded systems. It supports both CRT and LCD displays with user programmable resolutions and video timings, thus providing compatibility with almost all available LCD and CRT displays. The core supports a number of color modes, including 32bpp, 24bpp, 16bpp, 8bpp grayscale, and 8bpppseudo color. The video memory is located outside the primary core, thus providing the most flexible memory solution possible. It can be located onchip or off-chip, shared with the system’s main memory (VGA on demand) or be dedicated to the VGA system. The color lookup table is located inside the core, to reduce memory bandwidth requirements and to provide higher throughput. Image data is fetched automatically via the WISHBONE Master interface, making this an ideal “program-and-forget” video solution. More demanding video applications, like streaming video or video games, can benefit from the video-bank-switching function. Flicker and cluttered images are reduced by automatically switching between video-memory pages and/or color lookup tables on each vertical retrace. The optional hardware cursors provide additional flexibility through two 32x32 16bpp or 64x64 4bpp hardware generated cursors. The two cursors can be displayed at the same time.