
时间:2021-04-25 17:53:02
更新时间:2021-04-25 17:53:02
CCNA 标准访问列表和扩展访问列表比较 标准 扩展 基于源地址 基于源地址和目标地址 允许和拒绝完整的 TCP/IP协议 指定TCP/IP的特定协议 和端口号 编号范围 100 到 199. 编号范围 1 到 99 * Slide 1 of 1 Purpose: This slide begins the discussion on extended IP access lists. Emphasize: Distinguish the aspects of the extended IP access list from the standard access list. Your students will perform labs using extended access lists commands. For both standard and extended IP access lists, enter an address mask that identifies which bits in the address field you want the access list to match that will be “don’t care” bit positions. For both types of access lists, the access-group command allows packet filtering into or out of the router.
