Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals

时间:2013-01-20 10:31:25
文件名称:Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals
更新时间:2013-01-20 10:31:25
game Foreword Preface Chapter 1 - What Is This Book About? Chapter 2 - The Design Process Unit 1 - Core Concepts Chapter 3 - Meaningful Play Chapter 4 - Design Chapter 5 - Systems Chapter 6 - Interactivity Chapter 7 - Defining Games Chapter 8 - Defining Digital Games Chapter 9 - The Magic Circle Chapter 10 - The Primary Schemas Commissioned Game 1 — Richard Garfield Unit 2 - Rules Chapter 11 - Defining Rules Chapter 12 - Rules on Three Levels Chapter 13 - The Rules of Digital Games Chapter 14 - Games as Emergent Systems Chapter 15 - Games as Systems of Uncertainty Chapter 16 - Games as Information Theory Systems Chapter 17 - Games as Systems of Information Chapter 18 - Games as Cybernetic Systems Chapter 19 - Games as Game Theory Systems Chapter 20 - Games as Systems of Conflict Chapter 21 - Breaking the Rules Commissioned Game 2 — Ironclad Unit 3 - Play Chapter 22 - Defining Play Chapter 23 - Games as the Play of Experience Chapter 24 - Games as the Play of Pleasure Chapter 25 - Games as the Play of Meaning Chapter 26 - Games as Narrative Play Chapter 27 - Games as the Play of Simulation Chapter 28 - Games as Social Play Commissioned Game 3 — Sneak Unit 4 - Culture Chapter 29 - Defining Culture Chapter 30 - Games as Cultural Rhetoric Chapter 31 - Games as Open Culture Chapter 32 - Games as Cultural Resistance Chapter 33 - Games as Cultural Environment Commissioned Game 4 — Caribbean Star Bibliography List of Games Cited Index List of Figures List of Tables List of Sidebars


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