更新时间:2016-04-12 05:34:59
database modeling
Database technology has evolved rapidly in the past three decades since the rise and eventual dominance of relational database systems. While many specialized database systems (object-oriented, spatial, multimedia, etc.) have found sub- stantial user communities in the sciences and engineering, relational systems remain the dominant database technology for business enterprises. Relational database design has evolved from an art to a science that has been partially implementable as a set of soft- ware design aids. Many of these design aids have appeared as the database component of computer-aided software engi- neering (CASE) tools, and many of them offer interactive modeling capability using a simplified data modeling approach. Logical design—that is, the structure of basic data relationships and their definition in a particular database system—is largely the domain of application designers. The work of these designers can be effectively done with tools such as the ERwin Data Modeler or Rational Rose with Unified Modeling Language (UML), as well as with a purely manual approach. Physical design—the creation of efficient data storage and retrieval mechanisms on the computing platform you are using—is typically the domain of the 1 database administrator (DBA). Today’s DBAs have a variety of vendor-supplied tools available to help design the most effi- cient databases. This book is devoted to the logical design methodologies and tools most popular for relational databases today. Physical design methodologies and tools are covered in a separate book. In this chapter, we review the basic concepts of data- base management and introduce the role of data modeling and database design in the database life cycle.