Conventional Stereo

时间:2016-04-12 12:32:44
文件名称:Conventional Stereo
更新时间:2016-04-12 12:32:44
Conventional Stereo However, there is an inherent problem with conventional stereo playback - crosstalk. Crosstalk happens naturally as the sound from the left speaker goes into both the listener’s left and right ears when the sound from the left speaker should only go to the left ear, and sound from the right speaker should only go to the right ear. Crosstalk corrupts the stereo signal and destroys the spatial cues contained in a stereo recording. The brain no longer receives the correct cues and information to produce a spatially correct 3-D soundfield. Previous attempts required more than two loudspeakers and always suffer from severe spectral coloration, resulting in unnatural and unacceptable music playback.
