Marketing_Analytics A_Practical_Guide_to_Real_Marketing_Science

时间:2021-04-25 10:04:49

文件名称:Marketing_Analytics A_Practical_Guide_to_Real_Marketing_Science



更新时间:2021-04-25 10:04:49

Marketing Analytics

This is not meant to be an academic tome filled with mathematic minutia and cluttered with statistical mumbo-jumbo. There will need to be an equation now and then, but if your interest is econometric rigour, you’re in the wrong place. A couple of good books for that are Econometric Analysis by William H. Greene (1993) and Econometric Models, Techniques and Applications by Michael Intriligator, Ronald G. Bodkin and Cheng Hsiao (1996). So, this book is not aimed at the statistician, although there will be a fair amount of verbiage about statistics.
