Docker Containers_Build and Deploy with Kubernetes,Flannel,Cockpit,and Atomic

时间:2021-01-24 15:50:57

文件名称:Docker Containers_Build and Deploy with Kubernetes,Flannel,Cockpit,and Atomic



更新时间:2021-01-24 15:50:57

Docker Kubernetes

Docker is a containerization technology at the center of a new wave for building, packaging, and deploying applications. It has the potential to impact every aspect of computing, from the application development process to how applications are deployed and scaled up and out across massive data centers. Despite its great popularity, Docker is still a fairly new project, with many peo- ple still not really knowing exactly what Docker is. If you are one of those people, this book can help you take that first step, while also opening your eyes to the huge potential that containerization promises for you down the road. My goals for leading you into the world of containerization with this book can be summed up in these ways: ■ Hands-on learning: I often say this in my books, but I believe that the best way to learn how technology works is to get it and use it. To that end, I let you choose from among several popular Linux systems, show you how to install Docker on the one you choose, and provide working examples of using Docker for everything from running a simple container to building and man- aging your own container images. That learning then extends into tools and techniques for orchestrating and managing containers. ■ How Docker can benefit you: I explain the benefits of creating and run- ning applications in containers, instead of installing software packages (in formats such as RPM or Deb) and running uncontained applications directly from your hard disk. Beyond running applications, I also describe how con- tainerization can benefit software developers and system administrators. ■ Essential qualities of Docker: I describe how Docker uses technolo- gies such as Linux Containers (LXC) to keep containers separate from other applications running on a host computer or selectively tap into the host sys- tem. These qualities include how Docker uses name spaces, metadata, and separate file systems to both manage and secure containerized applications. To get started, you don’t need to know anything about Docker or containeriza- tion; you can treat this book as your introduction to Docker. However, this book is also intended to offer an entry into more advanced Docker-related topics, such as orchestration and container development. As you progress through the book, you see specific ways to run containers, investigate them, stop and start them, save them, and generally manage them. As you begin creating your own containers, I discuss techniques to help you make container images that build and run efficiently. I even step you through build files (which are called Dockerfiles) that others have created to make their own containers. A knowledge of Linux Containers in general, or Docker containers specifically, is not needed to start using this book. That said, however, there are other technolo- gies you will use both within your Docker containers and outside those containers to work with them. Understanding some of those technologies will make your expe- rience with Docker that much more fruitful.

