USN Seminar Papers

时间:2012-12-10 02:14:44
文件名称:USN Seminar Papers
更新时间:2012-12-10 02:14:44
wsn paper 无线网络传感器路由算法基础论文合集,适合刚接触网线网络传感器领域的新手阅读
USN Seminar Papers
----36. Augmented Tree-based Routing Protocol for Scalable Ad Hoc Networks.pdf(239KB)
----3. Highly Dynamic Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computers.pdf(185KB)
----31. Scalable Real-time Gateway Assignment in Mobile Mesh Networks (QMESH).pdf(482KB)
----5. TORA.pdf(118KB)
----6. AODV.pdf(201KB)
----21. AntClust.pdf(163KB)
----32. Range-Based Sleep Scheduling (RBSS) for Wireless Sensor Networks.pdf(247KB)
----25. RPRO.pdf(155KB)
----35. GPSR Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing for Wireless.pdf(1.34MB)
----10. LEACH and LEACH-C (version 2007).pdf(1.29MB)
----12. OLSR (ICT05).pdf(180KB)
----4. Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP).pdf(156KB)
----9. LEACH-advance version (2002).pdf(79KB)
----29. A Highly Adaptive Distributed Routing Algorithm for WSN.pdf(89KB)
----High Performance AODV Routing Protocol for Hybrid Wireless Mesh Networks.pdf(183KB)
----27. DART - Dynamic Address RouTing for Scalable Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks.pdf(269KB)
----1. DSR The Dynamic Source Routing Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks.pdf(366KB)
----34. LDCC.pdf(1.16MB)
----2. DD(directDiffusion).pdf(214KB)
----23. An Effcient Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks(WRP).pdf(316KB)
----33. Probabilistic Geographic Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks.pdf(267KB)
----13. LAR.pdf(237KB)
----Application-driven, energy-efficient communication in wireless sensor networks.pdf(547KB)
----A Performance Comparison of Multi-Hop Wireless Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols.pdf(175KB)
----28. Ad Hoc Positioning System (APS).pdf(188KB)
----22. CBRP.pdf(298KB)
----Routing Protocols for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in Rural Areas.pdf(163KB)
----26. CMAX.pdf(228KB)
----24. Table-Driven Routing Protocols in Ad-hoc Mobile ... (version 2006).pdf(213KB)
----14. PEGASIS Power-Efficient Gathering in Sensor Information Systems.pdf(44KB)
