文件名称:unity碰撞变形物理系统-Impact Deformable
更新时间:2021-06-15 14:29:56
Unity3D Impact Defor
- Works with any kind of mesh/collider - Each object part can have different hardness (among other deformation settings) in a compound collider structure - Mesh can be repaired by a specified amount with a single function call (either the whole mesh or area delimited) - Optionally deforms MeshCollider component along with the mesh - both convex and non convex mesh colliders - Structure damage estimation (numeric), allowing to integrate visual deformation into game rules - like, for example, cars that stop working after x% of damage - Beside automatic deformations by impact, it is also possible to perform deformations by code - Works on mobile devices without limitations
Impact Deformable.unitypackage