Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell

时间:2016-08-14 15:40:10

文件名称:Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell



更新时间:2016-08-14 15:40:10

Parallel Haskell

Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell: Techniques for Multicore and Multithreaded Programming If you have a working knowledge of Haskell, this hands-on book shows you how to use the language’s many APIs and frameworks for writing both parallel and concurrent programs. You’ll learn how parallelism exploits multicore processors to speed up computation-heavy programs, and how concurrency enables you to write programs with threads for multiple interactions. Author Simon Marlow walks you through the process with lots of code examples that you can run, experiment with, and extend. Divided into separate sections on Parallel and Concurrent Haskell, this book also includes exercises to help you become familiar with the concepts presented: Express parallelism in Haskell with the Eval monad and Evaluation Strategies Parallelize ordinary Haskell code with the Par monad Build parallel array-based computations, using the Repa library Use the Accelerate library to run computations directly on the GPU Work with basic interfaces for writing concurrent code Build trees of threads for larger and more complex programs Learn how to build high-speed concurrent network servers Write distributed programs that run on multiple machines in a network


  • 书是本不错的好书
  • Haskell并发经典
  • 质量挺好的版本
  • 好书,学习函数变成必备
  • 很有用的书,虽然我现在对haskell越来越不喜欢(社区有玩弄概念之嫌),不过这本书还是给了我很多启发。
  • 好书,学习函数变成必备
  • 很好的Haskell并发编程资料
  • functional 加并发,王道!
  • 好书,感谢分享
  • 难得的关于纯函数式并发编程的书。
  • 很好的函数式编程指南。
  • 清晰版的,谢谢分享!