The Mathematics of Medical Imaging

时间:2013-04-22 14:26:55
文件名称:The Mathematics of Medical Imaging
更新时间:2013-04-22 14:26:55
Medical Imaging A Beginner's Guide to the Mathematics of Medical Imaging presents the basic mathematics of computerized tomography – the CT scan – for an audience of undergraduates in mathematics and engineering. Assuming no prior background in advanced mathematical analysis, topics such as the Fourier transform, sampling, and discrete approximation algorithms are introduced from scratch and are developed within the context of medical imaging. A chapter on magnetic resonance imaging focuses on manipulation of the Bloch equation, the system of differential equations that is the foundation of this important technology. The text is self-contained with a range of practical exercises, topics for further study, and an ample bibliography, making it ideal for use in an undergraduate course in applied or engineering mathematics, or by practitioners in radiology who want to know more about the mathematical foundations of their field.


  • 讲的不深澳,很好用
  • 入门书籍 还是不错的 下载了跟中文版对照看
  • 这个资源印刷清楚,章节全面,非常好,不像有些人上传的资料,只有一章的内容。赞分享
  • 非常感谢,这个书还真不太好找。 另外此书可以作为图像重建的入门书籍
  • A very good math introduction book for imaging. It covered all fundamental math needed in image processing.