FastReport Professional v3.0 Full Source

时间:2009-02-02 03:38:15
文件名称:FastReport Professional v3.0 Full Source
更新时间:2009-02-02 03:38:15
DELPHI 下载 源代码 资源 FastReport 3 for Delphi 4/5/6/7 and C++Builder 4/5/6FastReport是一套报表工具组件,包含报表引擎、设计器和预览。Changes in FastReport 3.0 (in compare with version 2.5)比较2.5版的改进如下,英文的自己翻译:Core: - Rewritten class architecture. - Storing reports in XML format. - Precise object's coordinates and sizes. - Full WYSIWYG (now for text objects too). - New object - diagonal line. - New fill types, shadow. - Text rotation 0..360 degrees. - Paragraph gap. - Memo object supports simple html-tags (font color, b, i, u, sub, sup). - Object's properties ParentFont, Printable. - Improved stretching (StretchMode, ShiftMode properties). - Group and Data-band properties - KeepTogether, KeepFooter. - Band property KeepChild. - Access to DB fields via TfrxDBDataSet. TfrxIBODataSet for IB_Objects. - Styles. - Text flow. - URLs, Anchors.- Dot matrix reports. Script: - One script in the report (like an unit in the Delphi). - Dramatically increased performance. - New events for FR objects. - Standard Pascal features: variables, constants, procedures, functions (nested allowed) with var/const/default parameters, all standard operators and statements (includind case, try/finally/except, with), types (int, float, bool, char, string, multi-dimensional array, enum, variant), classes (with methods, events, properties, index and default properties). - Strict type checking. - Multi-language architecture allows you to use many languages (Pascal, C++, Basic, Java). - Access to any object inside your application (in case you've allowed this). Standard libraries to access to base classes, controls and forms. Easily expandable library architecture. - Debugger.Designer: - New architecture. - Improved interface, ability to dock tool windows. - Improved Object Inspector. - Zooming. - In-place editing. - Rulers, guides. - Better line drawing. - Better bands handling. - Better DB-field selection. - Grid: mm, inches, pixels. - Better Left/Right margin handling. - Wizard for base type reports. - Copy objects to Windows clipboard. - Full Undo/Redo. Exports:- Improved WYSIWYG TXT, RTF, CSV, HTML, PDF, XLS, XML, JPG, BMP, TIFF exports is available.key:0E472002333F0B1D0129201C15210204102C0E16342C15393F121D39263F


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