
时间:2013-07-02 06:51:06
更新时间:2013-07-02 06:51:06
网上商店毕业论文 摘 要 随着Internet的讯速普及,网上购物已不再是一件新鲜事情,越来越多的人们开始钟情于网上购物,享受它所带来的便利和实惠。网上超市就是提供人们网上购物的Web站点。 网上购物根据销兽对象不同,也可以分为B2B和B2C两种模式。B2B是企业与企业之间的商务活动,它除了大批量的物流之外,还有许多其他的商务活动。而B2C是企业与个人之间的商务活动,属于零售业务。 网上超市其实就是一个大型的Web应用程序,它由许多小Web应用程序组合而成.这些小Web应用程序之间既相对独立又通过基本的关系数据库有机地结合在一起。 【关键词】网上超市,会员维护, 搜索引擎,会员登录,订单查询 ASP-based online stores Abstract With the rapid popularization of Internet, online shopping is no longer a fresh thing, more and more people began to love online shopping, enjoy its convenience and benefits brought about. Is to provide people online supermarket shopping through the Internet Web site. Online shopping based on sales targets of different animals, can also be divided into two modes of B2B and B2C. B2B is a business and commercial activities between enterprises, which in addition to large quantities of logistics, there are many other business activities. And B2C enterprises and business activities between individuals belonging to the retail business. In fact, online supermarket is a large-scale Web application that many small Web application from a combination of procedures. These small Web applications and between the relatively independent of both the relational database through basic combination. 【Key words】Online store; membership maintenance;search engine; member login, order inquiries
