Beginning Android Games 3rd Edition

时间:2021-01-16 02:28:54
文件名称:Beginning Android Games 3rd Edition
更新时间:2021-01-16 02:28:54
Android Games This book is aimed first and foremost at complete beginners in game programming. You don’t need any prior knowledge on the subject matter; we’ll walk you through all of the basics. However, we need to assume a little knowledge on your end about Java. If you feel rusty on the matter, we’d suggest refreshing your memory by reading Thinking in Java by Bruce Eckel (Prentice Hall, 2006), an excellent introductory text on the programming language. Other than that, there are no other requirements. No prior exposure to Android or Eclipse is necessary! This book is also aimed at intermediate-level game programmers who want to get their hands dirty with Android. While some of the material may be old news for you, there are still a lot of tips and hints contained here that should make reading this book worthwhile. Android is a strange beast at times, and this book should be considered your battle guide.


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