Storm:distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation

时间:2015-12-12 09:37:52
文件名称:Storm:distributed and fault-tolerant realtime computation
更新时间:2015-12-12 09:37:52
twitter storm 流处理 分布式运算 云计算 twitter stream的创始人 Nathan Marz 在2012.3.16号的培训课件,详细讲解了stream 的架构和工作原理。 Summary Nathan Marz discusses Storm concepts –streams, spouts, bolts, topologies-, explaining how to use Storms’ Clojure DSL for real-time stream processing, distributed RPS and continuous computations. Bio Nathan Marz is Lead Engineer on Twitter's Publisher Analytics team. Previously Nathan was the lead engineer of BackType which was acquired by Twitter in July of 2011. He is a major believer in the power of open source and has authored some significant Clojure-based open source projects, including Cascalog, ElephantDB, and Storm. About the conference Clojure/West is a new conference bringing the Clojure community together to discuss techniques, tools, and the state of the Clojure ecosystem March 16-17th for three tracks of sessions. Prior to the conference, register for three days of training by the Clojure experts.


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