Storm Blueprints: Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation

时间:2017-06-14 11:10:16
文件名称:Storm Blueprints: Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation
更新时间:2017-06-14 11:10:16
Distributed Real-time Computation Storm Storm Blueprints: Patterns for Distributed Real-time Computation covers a broad range of distributed computing topics, including not only design and integration patterns but also domains and applications to which the technology is immediately useful and commonly applied. This book introduces the reader to Storm using real-world examples, beginning with simple Storm topologies. The examples increase in complexity, introducing advanced Storm concepts as well as more sophisticated approaches to deployment and operational concerns.


  • 挺清晰的,对storm很有帮助,目录不是很完整
  • 目录就不全
  • 挺好的,是原版的
  • 这本书非常好,写得非常易懂,作者是一个懂得如何把复杂问题用简单的描述清晰表达的人。不像很多技术作者,写得逻辑跳跃、语句晦涩。大赞!
  • A great intro book to apache storm
  • 非常感谢,十分有用
  • 非常感谢,storm 学习资料还真不多
  • 很好的书!初学者非常有用
  • 好, 是packt原版……
  • 非常感谢,这本书还是很不错的,对于菜鸟级的我想要加深理解storm挺有帮助的。