更新时间:2023-08-17 09:15:14
DFT OCC电路结构以及实现原理 The DFT_clk_mux and DFT_clk_chain are inserted as two separate modules in the top level of the design, but they always function together as a unit. The DFT_clk_mux is inserted between the OCC (On-Chip Clocking) clock generator, usually a PLL (Phase-Locked Loop), and its clock tree to provide control over the clock for scan shifting and capture. The DFT_clk_chain contains data to control the capture operation of the DFT_clk_mux. These blocks are kept separate because the flipflops inside DFT_clk_mux must be nonscan to allow them to switch clock sources correctly, but the flip-flops inside DFT_clk_chain must be on the scan chains so that the capture pulses can be controlled by ATPG.