
时间:2016-07-10 14:11:53




更新时间:2016-07-10 14:11:53

cas shiro sso

此为转载,1分意思一下! What is this project ? This project cas-shiro-demo has been created to test the CAS support for Shiro library, i.e. the shiro-cas library. It’s composed of two modules : - the cas-shiro-demo-app module is a demo web application which uses the CAS Shiro support library with protected area requiring CAS authentication : - the cas-shiro-demo-server module is a CAS server configured with remember-me feature. Quick start & test To start quickly, build the project : cas-shiro-demo mvn clean install and start the two web applications with jetty : cd cas-shiro-demo-app mvn jetty:run To test, - call the http://localhost:8080/app/user/index.jsp url by clicking on the user/index link - be sent to CAS server and log in (the password is equal to the login) - be redirected back to the application, authenticated. Manual deployment You can also deploy manually these two web applications in your favorite web applications server : - cas-shiro-demo-app on http://localhost:8080/app - cas-shiro-demo-server on http://localhost:8080/cas



  • 资源不错,值得推荐!
  • 非常不错的资源,很详细,很好用。
  • 白白浪费一分,下载下来的根本用不了,无法导入eclipse显示不是一个project,楼主也不试试就拿出来忽悠我们啊
  • 没什么用,没有解决问题。
  • 这个真的很有用
  • 还不错吧,有点用处
  • 没有多大帮助
  • 没有多大帮助。。不过还是谢谢楼主的分享
  • 内容有点简单咯
  • 完全不是这样玩的。楼主理解太肤浅了
  • 很不错的资料,借鉴一下
  • 很不错的学习资料
  • 等够运行起来
  • 内容简单易学。
  • 不是很好 没完整展示 最好多个客户端应用 一个cas服务端
  • 内容过于简单,浪费积分
  • 内容过于简单,mvn我不会用。
  • 没有多大帮助。。不过还是谢谢楼主的分享