文件名称:Copensatory education. Hellmuth, Jerome (ed.) Disadvantaged child. Vol. 2. Headstart and early intervention. New York: Brunner/mazel, 1968, 613 p., [dollar]12.50
更新时间:2024-07-19 14:06:40
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Copensatory education. Hellmuth, Jerome (ed.) Disadvantaged child. Vol. 2. Headstart and early intervention. New York: Brunner/mazel, 1968, 613 p., [dollar]12.50 B O O K N O T E S A N D R E V I E W S COMPENSATORY EDUCATION HELLMUTH, JEROME (Ed.) Disadvantaged Child. Vol. 2. Headstart and Early Intervention. New Yorlr: Brunner/Mazel, 1968, 613 p., $12.50. At every level the most pressing questions in educat,ion today reflect serious problems resulting from the accelerated trend of