node-telegram-bot-api:NodeJS的电报Bot API

时间:2021-01-30 13:34:57
文件名称:node-telegram-bot-api:NodeJS的电报Bot API
更新时间:2021-01-30 13:34:57
nodejs api bot telegram chatbot Node.js电报Bot API 与官方交互的Node.js模块。 安装 npm i node-telegram-bot-api 用法 const TelegramBot = require ( 'node-telegram-bot-api' ) ; // replace the value below with the Telegram token you receive from @BotFather const token = 'YOUR_TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN' ; // Create a bot that uses 'polling' to fetch new updates const bot = new TelegramBot ( token , { polling : true } ) ; // Matches "/echo [whatever]" bot . onText ( / \/ echo ( . + ) / , ( msg , match ) => { // 'msg' is the received Message from Telegr
