QTP11补丁发布 - 支持FireFox 3.6

时间:2014-12-02 15:16:19
文件名称:QTP11补丁发布 - 支持FireFox 3.6
更新时间:2014-12-02 15:16:19
iquicktest,qtp,firefox,补丁 QTP11补丁发布 - 支持FireFox 3.6浏览器对象识别 This patch provides official support for testing Web applications in Firefox 3.6. It includes support for working with Firefox 3.6 on all operating systems that QuickTest Professional supports. (For the complete list of supported operating systems, see the QuickTest Professional 11.00 Product Availability Matrix, which is available from the Documentation Library Home page or the root folder of the QuickTest Professional DVD.) Notes: * After installing the patch and Firefox 3.6 on a computer with UAC (User Account Control) enabled, you need to start QuickTest at least one time using the “Run as administrator” mode. Limitations: * Testing Silverlight applications on Firefox is not supported for Firefox version 3.6.4 and later. * (Relevant for Firefox version 3.6 and earlier) If Sprinter is installed on the QuickTest computer, either QuickTest or Sprinter will not be able to test Web applications on Firefox. To restore support, you need to manually edit the QuickTest/Sprinter extension file in Firefox to use the correct testing tool and then force Firefox to register this change, as follows: 1) In the Firefox installation folder, open the extensions file (for example, “C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\extensions\{9F17B1A2-7317-49Ef-BCB7-7BB47BDE10F8}”) with a text editor, and change the path to specify the relevant testing tool. For example, to specify QuickTest, change the path to: “C:\Program Files\HP\QuickTest Professional\bin\Mozilla\Common” (assuming that QuickTest is installed in the default installation folder). 2) Navigate to the “%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles” folder, and, in each subfolder, delete the “extensions.cache” file.


  • 感觉还行,只是感觉用着不是特别顺手.
  • 很不错的资源,谢谢分享
  • 可以支持使用
  • 很好用...安装后支持3.6
  • 可以使用,谢谢分享
  • 可以使用,非常感谢!
  • 不错,可以用的
  • 可用,找的就是他!
  • firefox要求不高,不过很不错了
  • 不错,很好用的!
  • 成功安装,谢谢分享
  • 3.6可以了,以上的版本不支持
  • 可以支持使用
  • 不能支持最新的Firefox x64。还是感谢。
  • 3.6的版本可以支持,谢谢分享!
  • 好像还不能支持最新的Firefox x64
  • 不错,很好用的!
  • 3.6很旧了,不能支持最新的火狐。
  • 要是能支持火狐浏览器更高版本就好了,但有总比没有强,下载了!
  • 不错啊,挺有用的,解决了手头的问题
  • 收藏 好用~
  • fireffox最新的版本用不了
  • 不能支持最新的Firefox
  • 稀缺资源,谢谢大大分享
  • 在FIREFOX中显示支持,可是用QTP怎么录制也没有脚本,这个问题如何解决啊。