更新时间:2015-08-03 06:01:47
Matr ixVB is a COM libra ry, a collection of functions tha t enhan ce Visua l Basic’s built-in functiona li ty by allowing users easy access to ma ny powerful computa tiona l algorithm s. This chapter intr oduces the MatrixVB lib rar y with a complete program that demonstrat es some of its comput at iona l an d gra phical capabilities. Along the way you will see how to: •Add th e Matr ixVB lib ra ry to a Visual Basic project •Call Matr ixVB functions •Create ma tr ices •Set m atr ix elements •Get matr ix elements After reading this cha pter you will ha ve a runn ing program that uses Matr ixVB functionality to display fractal ima ges.