
时间:2018-03-04 06:57:29
更新时间:2018-03-04 06:57:29
ftplib C/C++ FTP开源库 FTP Library Routines Release 4.0 Thomas Pfau (tfpfau@gmail.com) June 7, 2013 This package implements a callable interface to FTP. The FTP protocol is specified in RFC 959. The library has been tested on linux, OpenVMS and Windows NT. It should also work without major modification on other POSIX systems. All programs using the library should include ftplib.h. FTP开源库。 Miscellaneous Functions FtpInit() - Initialize the library FtpSite() - Send a 'SITE' command FtpLastResponse() - Retrieve last server response FtpSysType() - Determine remote system type FtpSize() - Determine size of remote file FtpSizeLong() - Determine size of remote file FtpModDate() - Determine modification time of file FtpSetCallback() - Establish a callback function FtpClearCallback() - Remove a callback function Server Connection FtpConnect() - Connect to a remote server FtpLogin() - Login to remote machine FtpQuit() - Disconnect from remote server FtpOptions() - Set Connection Options Directory Functions FtpChdir() - Change working directory FtpMkdir() - Create a directory FtpRmdir() - Remove a directory FtpDir() - List a remote directory FtpNlst() - List a remote directory FtpCDUp() - Change to parent directory FtpPwd() - Determine current working directory File to File Transfer FtpGet() - Retreive a remote file FtpPut() - Send a local file to remote FtpDelete() - Delete a remote file FtpRename() - Rename a remote file File to Program Transfer These routines allow programs access to the data streams connected to remote files and directories. FtpAccess() - Open a remote file or directory FtpRead() - Read from remote file or directory FtpWrite() - Write to remote file FtpClose() - Close data connection Utilities qftp - Command line ftp utility


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