更新时间:2012-09-11 03:46:20
// Action script... // [Action in Frame 1] stop(); // [Action in Frame 2] function loadUsers() { var ld = new LoadVars(); var _l2; ld.load("http://joy.t2cn.com/platform/getActiveUser.action", "_root", "GET"); ld.onLoad = function (succ) { if (succ) { trace(ld.arg1); _root.mc_users.txt_users.htmlText = ld.arg1; _root.mc_users.txt_percent.text = ld.arg2 + "%"; } else { _root.mc_users.txt_users.text = "加载数据失败"; } // end if }; } // End of the function function getCellStart() { spdLoop = setInterval(spdRun, 60); } // End of the function function getCellStop() { clearInterval(spdLoop); cell_mc.speed_mc.stop(); loadBingoPos(); } // End of the function function spdRun() { cell_mc.speed_mc.play(); } // End of the function function trans(v) { var _l1 = Math.floor((25 - Math.abs(v - 25)) / 5) + 1; if (_l1 == 5) { _l1 = 4; } // end if return(_l1); } // End of the function function rollRun(v) ......