lists:foreach(fun(X) -> io:format("E=~p~n",[X]) end, [1,2,3]).
lists:duplicate(10, 16#f). % [15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15]
"abc-123" -> "abc"
no_vsn(Name) -> lists:takewhile(fun($-)->false;(_)-> true end,Name).
"abc-123" -> "123"
vsn(Name) ->
case lists:dropwhile(fun($-)->false;(_)->true end,Name) of
[_Sep|Vsn] -> Vsn;
_ -> "0"
EvenN = lists:filter(fun (N) -> N rem 2 == 0 end,lists:seq(1,100))
lists:foldl(fun(F, Last) -> F(Last) end, foo(), [fun whee/1, fun bar/1])
Fun = fun (A = #auth{dir = [Dir]}, Acc) -> [{Dir, A}| Acc]; (A, Acc) -> [A| Acc]end,Authdirs = lists:foldr(Fun, [], SC#sconf.authdirs),
将URL中的空格换成+ UW = lists:map(fun($ )->$+;(C)->C end,Words)
is_nb_space(X) -> lists:member(X, [$\s, $\t]).
>Data = [{"apple", "red"}, {"banana", "yellow"}, {"pear", "white"}].
>lists:keydelete("banana",1,Data). [{"apple","red"},{"pear","white"}]
>lists:keyreplace("apple",1,Data,{"tomato", "red"}). [{"tomato","red"},{"banana","yellow"},{"pear","white"}]
> rd(user,{id,name}). %% 用户记录
> lists:keysearch("wang", #user.name, [#user{id=1,name="li"}, #user{id=2,name="wang"}]).
> {value,#user{id = 2,name = "wang"}}
case lists:any(fun(Str) ->lists:prefix(Str, "redColor")end, ["apple","red"]) of true -> {ok, Num, [H|T]}; false -> falseend
[code:ensure_loaded(list_to_atom(filename:rootname(filename:basename(F)))) || P <-code:get_path(), F <-filelib:wildcard(P ++ "/*.beam")].
-define(BYTE, 8/unsigned-big-integer).
<<C:2/unit:?BYTE>> 意思就是取两个单位,每单位8bits。
<<C:4/binary, _/binary>>意思就是取4个单位,每单位8比特,总共4*8比特
1>A = <<1:32/little,1:8/little>>. %低位在前<<1,0,0,0,1>>2> B = <<1:32/big,1:8/big>>. %高位在前 <<0,0,0,1,1>>3> C = <<1:1,0:1>>.<<2:2>>
> B = <<3.2:32/big-float>>.> io:format("~w~n", [B]). > <<64,76,204,205>>> <<R:32/big-float>> = B. > R. > 3.200000047683716
<< PointID:32/unsigned-little-integer, Value:32/little-float>> = Bin.
bbsl(Bin,Shift) -> <<_:Shift,Rest/bits>> = Bin, <<Rest/bits,0:Shift>>.
>,,0,0,127,0>>>,,4,0,6,220,219,13>>>,,80>>131 is the version number, 97 is a small integer (8-bit), 98 is a big integer (32-bit), 110 (and 111) are for bignum integers. The rest is the data for the actual numbers.
对于utf相关类型,不能指定unit spec
utf8匹配1-4个bytes(参考RFC-2279) utf16匹配2 或 4 个bytes (参考 RFC-2781) utf32匹配4个 bytes
1> <<1024/utf8>>.<<208,128>> 2> <<1024/utf16>>.<<4,0>> 3> <<1024/utf32>>.<<0,0,4,0>>4> Bin = <<1024/utf8>>. <<208,128>> 5> <<U/utf8>> = Bin. <<208,128>> 6> U. 1024
.Binary Comprehensions
<< <<case X of $a -> $X; _ -> $Yend>> || <<X>><= <<"abcaa">> >>.
返回: <<"XYYXX">>
<< <<X>> || <<X:1>> <= <<255, 3:2>> >>.
返回: <<1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1>>
1> B = erlang:md5("muzaaya").<<0,224,129,171,239,187,191,114,178,213,37,129,150,169,182,208>>2> lists:flatten([io_lib:format("~2.16.0b", [C]) || <<C>> <= B])."00e081abefbbbf72b2d5258196a9b6d0"
hexStr(B) 6#0F + 1, T))>> || <<X:8>> <= B >>.3> M:hexStr(erlang:md5("muzaaya")).<<"00E081ABEFBBBF72B2D5258196A9B6D0">>
O2 = ((C1 band 16#03)bsl 4)bor (C2bsr 4).
. 文件操作
Destination = filename:join([code:root_dir(), "include", no_vsn( New_lib )]),
lists:foreach( fun(File) ->
FileName = lists:last(string:tokens(File,"/\\")),
file:copy(File, filename:join([Destination,FileName]))
filelib:wildcard(filename:join([Source,"*"])) ).
w_ctl_file(Sid, Port, Key) ->case catch begin F = yaws:ctl_file(Sid), error_logger:info_msg("Ctlfile : ~s~n", [F]), file:write_file(F,io_lib:format("~w.", [{Port,Key}])), {ok, FI} = file:read_file_info(F), ok = file:write_file_info(F, FI#file_info{mode = 8#00600}) end of {'EXIT', _} -> error; _ -> okend.
remove(Path, File) -> Desc = filename:join([Path,File]), case filelib:is_dir(Desc) of true -> case file:list_dir(Desc) of {ok,Sub} -> lists:foreach(fun(S) -> remove(Desc,S)end,Sub); {error,Reason} -> io:format("error: ~p~n",[Reason]) end, file:del_dir(Desc); false -> file:delete(Desc) end.
file:write_file("test.txt", "12 13 14 15 16 17 18").
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file(File),
Rules = string:tokens(erlang:binary_to_list(Bin), "\n").
case file:open(File, [write]) of {ok, FD} -> %io:put_chars(FD, Text), <-- ERROR ok = file:close(FD),
file:write_file(File,unicode:characters_to_binary(Text)); < -- HACK
{error, R} -> R1 = file:format_error(R), report("could not write file '~s': ~s.", [File, R1]), exit(error)
file:open(File, [write, {encoding, utf8}]).
{ok, Fd} = file:open("test_data.dat", [binary, write]),ok = file:write(Fd,lists:duplicate(100, "1")), ok = file:close(Fd).
{{Y,M,D},{H,M,S}} = calendar:local_time().
calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(calendar:local_time()). calendar:day_of_the_week(2009,2,24).
next_day({Y, M, D}) -> Day1 = calendar:date_to_gregorian_days(Y, M, D), calendar:gregorian_days_to_date(Day1 + 1).
w3cdtf(GregSecs) ->
Date = calendar:gregorian_seconds_to_datetime(GregSecs), {{Y, Mo, D},{H, Mi, S}} = Date, [UDate|_] = calendar:local_time_to_universal_time_dst(Date), {DiffD,{DiffH,DiffMi,_}}=calendar:time_difference(UDate,Date).
count_chars(String, Char) -> length([X || X <- String, X == Char]).
格式化字符串, 像C语言的sscanf()
Cmd = io_lib:format(\"cd ~s/include; rm ~s; ln -s ../lib/~s/include ~s\", [code:root_dir(), no_vsn( New_lib ), New_lib, no_vsn( New_lib )]),
PN = [erlang:list_to_integer(N) || N <-string:tokens( vsn( Package_that_might_be_newer ), "." )],
packages_from_html(Html,Packages) -> case string:str(Html,"class=\"package\"") of 0 -> Packages; Start -> Sub = string:sub_string(Html,Start), T1 = string:sub_string(Sub,string:chr(Sub,$>)+1), PName = string:sub_string(T1,1,string:chr(T1,$<)-1), T2 = string:sub_string(T1,string:str(T1,"<i>")+3), Descr = string:sub_string(T2,1,string:str(T2,"</i>")-1), packages_from_html(T2,[{PName,Descr}|Packages]) end.
当使用Erlang程序与其它语言程序通讯时,可能需要把一个字符串转换成为Erlang的Term,可以这样实现{ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(String),{ok, Term} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens).注意这里的String需要以句号结尾。例如在erlang shell下:> {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string("{1, {2}, [3]}.").> {ok, {X, Y, Z}} = erl_parse:parse_term(Tokens).
>[NoRed,NoBlue] = re:split("1 2 3 - 5 6", "-", [{return,list}]).
["1 2 3 ","5 6"]
>{ok, P} =re:compile("\xE2\x80\x93").{ok,{re_pattern,0,0, <<69,82,67,80,53,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,6,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,226,0,147,...>>}}> re:split([48,32,226,128,147,32,49],P, [{return, list}]).["0 "," 1"]
validate(A, B) -> try mnesia:transaction((fun my_funky_mnesia_test/2)(A,B)) catch exit:{aborted, all_valid} -> ok; exit:{aborted, Error} -> {error, Error} end. -spec my_funky_mnesia_test(some_t(), another_t()) ->no_return().my_funky_mnesia_test(A, B) -> some_test_db_operations(A, B), mnesia:abort(all_valid).
-record(name, {first = "Robert", last = "Ericsson"}). -record(person, {name = #name{}, phone}). demo() -> P = #person{name= #name{first="Robert",last="Virding"}, phone=123},
First = (P#person.name)#name.first.
动态运行代码1> FunStr = "fun (A) -> A+B end.". 2> {ok, Tokens, _} = erl_scan:string(FunStr).3> {ok, [Form]} = erl_parse:parse_exprs(Tokens).4> Bindings = erl_eval:add_binding('B', 2, erl_eval:new_bindings()).5> {value, Fun, _} =erl_eval:expr(Form, Bindings).6> Fun(1).
remote_load_code(Module, Node) -> {_, Binary, Filename} = code:get_object_code(Module), rpc:call(Node,code,load_binary, [Module, Filename, Binary])
Start the supervisor: 1> {ok, Sup} = supervisor:start_link(ignore_sup, []). {ok,<0.43.0>} It has no children: 2> supervisor:which_children(Sup). [] Starting the child: 3> supervisor:start_child(Sup, []). =ERROR REPORT==== 13-Apr-2011::18:59:01 === Ignoring: <0.46.0> {ok,undefined} The child specification is installed: 4> supervisor:which_children(Sup). [{undefined,undefined,worker,[ignore_server]}]But the child process reported above is not alive:5> is_process_alive(list_to_pid("<0.46.0>")). false
info(PlayerId) -> Pid = case global:whereis_name(util:getRegName({?MODULE, PlayerId})) of P when is_pid(P) -> P; _ -> {ok, P} = player_sup:start_child(PlayerId), P end, gen_server:call(Pid, info).
integer_to_hex(I) -> case ) of {'EXIT', _} -> old_integer_to_hex(I); Int -> Int end.old_integer_to_hex(I) ).%% string_to_hexstring_to_hex(String) -> HEXC = fun (D)when D > 9 -> $a + D - 10; (D) -> $0 + D end, lists:foldr(fun (E, Acc) -> [HEXC(E div 16),HEXC(Erem 16)|Acc] end, [], String).%% hex_to_stringhex_to_string(Hex) -> DEHEX = fun (H)when H >= $a -> H - $a + 10; (H) when H >= $A -> H - $A + 10; (H) -> H - $0 end, {String, _} =lists:foldr(fun
(E, {Acc, nolow}) -> {Acc, DEHEX(E)}; (E, {Acc, LO}) -> {[DEHEX(E)*16+LO|Acc], nolow} end, {[], nolow}, Hex), String.数据结构stdlib中包含大量的数据结构如lists,array,dict,gb_sets,gb_trees,ets,dets等
.gb_trees1>X = gb_trees:from_orddict(orddict:from_list([{trace,false},{limit,-1},{timeout,-1}])). {3,{timeout,-1,{limit,-1,nil,nil},{trace,false,nil,nil}}}2>gb_trees:update(limit,true,X).{3,{timeout,-1,{limit,true,nil,nil},{trace,false,nil,nil}}}
E = ets:new(my_code, [public,set]),ets:match_delete (E,'_'),
ets:insert(E, {num_files, 0}),ets:insert(E, {num_bytes, 0}).
%% T = ets:new(?MODULE, [{write_concurrency, true}]).
{ok,?MODULE}=dets:open_file(?MODULE,[{type,set},{file,"fcnum.dets"}]),dets:insert(?MODULE, {1, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]}),
dets:insert(?MODULE, {1, [7,6,5,4,3,2,1]}),dets:close(?MODULE).
>Table = ets:new(foobar, [set,public]).>ets:tab2list(Table).[]> ets:insert(Table, {1}).true> ets:insert(Table, {2}).true> ets:tab2list(Table).[{1},{2}]
ets:new(test, [named_table, set, protected]),ets:insert(test, {a, 1, true, true}),ets:insert(test, {b, 2, true, true}),ets:insert(test, {c, 3, true, true}),ets:insert(test, {d, 2, true, true}),ets:insert(test, {e, 1, true, true}), %ets:match_delete(test, [{['_', '$1', '_', '_'], [{'>', '$1', 2}], []}]),
N = ets:select_delete(test, [{{'$1', '$2', '$3', '$4'}, [{'>', '$2', 2}], [true]}]),
1> rd(data, {id, nick}).data2> rd(wrapper, {id, data}).wrapper3> L = [#wrapper{id=1,data=#data{id=1}},#wrapper{id=2,data=#data{id=2,nick=n}}].[#wrapper{id = 1,data = #data{id = 1,nick = undefined}},#wrapper{id = 2,data = #data{id = 2,nick = n}}]4> qlc:e(qlc:q([W ||#wrapper{data =#data{nick = N}} =W < - L, N =/=undefined])).[#wrapper{id = 2,data = #data{id = 2,nick = n}}]
> erlang:memory().
%查看进程占用内存 > spawn(fun() -> etop:start([{output, text}, {interval, 1}, {lines, 20}, {sort, memory}]) end).
%查看进程状态 > erlang:process_info(pid(X,Y,Z)).
%手动gc回收 > erlang:garbage_collect(pid(X,Y,Z)).