如何替换$ http json响应中的每个字符串实例

时间:2021-11-03 19:34:49

CODEPEN here: http://codepen.io/anon/pen/dGeNLK


I have a $http response like the following.

我有一个$ http响应,如下所示。

        method: 'GET',  
        url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/itemsSite/_api/web/lists/getByTitle('items')/items?$select=*",
        cache: true,
        headers: { "Accept": "application/json;odata=verbose" }
    }).success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
        $scope.items = data.d.results;          

    }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {


The results, of which there are usually between 50 and 100, look somewhat like this


    name: 'Item One',
    desc: "Item 1 [ITEM:1]View 1[/ITEM] Item 1b [ITEM:1b]View 1b[/ITEM] Item 1c [ITEM:1c]View 1c[/ITEM]"
    name: 'Item Two',
    desc: "Item 2 [ITEM:2]View 2[/ITEM] Item 2b [ITEM:2b]View 2b[/ITEM] Item 2c [ITEM:2c]View 2c[/ITEM]"
    name: 'Item three',
    desc: "Item 3 [ITEM:3]View 3[/ITEM] Item 3b [ITEM:3b]View 3b[/ITEM] Item 3c [ITEM:3c]View 1c[/ITEM]"

And are then displayed using an ng-repeat like.


< div ng-repeat="item in items">
    < div class="col-sm-12" ng-bind-html="item.details | filter:search">< /div>
< /div>

Inside each is a block of text which potentially contains multiple strings from an old system that resemble the following.


[item:id]item name[/item]

How would I transform the json so that any instances of the above string could be intercepted and transformed into a clickable modal link such as


< a ng-click="viewItemDetails('1a');" >View 1a< /a >

I cannot change the structure of the text blocks.


NOTE: I have asked a similar question before and the suggestions neither worked nor were very graspable.


1 个解决方案



One way to do it is to pre process your data. Something like this: (I'll post a link to working code soon)


$scope.items.map(function(n) {
  var str = n.desc,
      re = /\[ITEM:.*?\]/ig,
      found = str.match(re);
  found = found.map(function(m) {
    return m.split(':')[1].replace(']', '');

  return n.items = found;

and then use the new "items" property in a nested ng-repeat:


  <li ng-repeat="item in items" fixLinks>{{item.name}}
      <span ng-repeat="n in item.items">
        Item {{n}} 
        <a href ng-click="viewItemDetails({{n}})">
          View {{n}}

Here's the codepen


UPDATE Here's a pen that does the replacement:


$scope.items.map(function(n) {
  var str = n.desc,
      re = /\[ITEM:(.*?)\]/ig,
      tpl = '<a href ng-click="$1">'
  str = str.replace(re, tpl);
  str = str.replace(/\[\/ITEM\]/ig, '</a>');
  return n.muDesc = str;

UPDATE #2 : Using directive, compiling and calling the controller scope method. This can probably be improved but hopefully it helps for now. Here's the updated pen


Directive code:

app.directive('fixLinks', function ($parse, $compile) {
  function replaceStr(str) {
    var re = /\[ITEM:(.*?)\]/ig,
        tpl = '<a href ng-click="click(\'$1\')">'
    str = str.replace(re, tpl);
    str = str.replace(/\[\/ITEM\]/ig, '</a>');
    return str;

  return {
    scope: {
      text: '=',
      flClick: '&'
    link: function(scope, element) {
      var el = angular.element('<span>' + replaceStr(scope.text) + '</span>');
      scope.click = function(id) {
        scope.flClick({id: id});


  <li ng-repeat="item in items">
    <div fix-links text="item.desc" fl-click="viewItemDetails(id)"></div>



One way to do it is to pre process your data. Something like this: (I'll post a link to working code soon)


$scope.items.map(function(n) {
  var str = n.desc,
      re = /\[ITEM:.*?\]/ig,
      found = str.match(re);
  found = found.map(function(m) {
    return m.split(':')[1].replace(']', '');

  return n.items = found;

and then use the new "items" property in a nested ng-repeat:


  <li ng-repeat="item in items" fixLinks>{{item.name}}
      <span ng-repeat="n in item.items">
        Item {{n}} 
        <a href ng-click="viewItemDetails({{n}})">
          View {{n}}

Here's the codepen


UPDATE Here's a pen that does the replacement:


$scope.items.map(function(n) {
  var str = n.desc,
      re = /\[ITEM:(.*?)\]/ig,
      tpl = '<a href ng-click="$1">'
  str = str.replace(re, tpl);
  str = str.replace(/\[\/ITEM\]/ig, '</a>');
  return n.muDesc = str;

UPDATE #2 : Using directive, compiling and calling the controller scope method. This can probably be improved but hopefully it helps for now. Here's the updated pen


Directive code:

app.directive('fixLinks', function ($parse, $compile) {
  function replaceStr(str) {
    var re = /\[ITEM:(.*?)\]/ig,
        tpl = '<a href ng-click="click(\'$1\')">'
    str = str.replace(re, tpl);
    str = str.replace(/\[\/ITEM\]/ig, '</a>');
    return str;

  return {
    scope: {
      text: '=',
      flClick: '&'
    link: function(scope, element) {
      var el = angular.element('<span>' + replaceStr(scope.text) + '</span>');
      scope.click = function(id) {
        scope.flClick({id: id});


  <li ng-repeat="item in items">
    <div fix-links text="item.desc" fl-click="viewItemDetails(id)"></div>