
时间:2022-12-22 19:25:05

I need to learn RegEx but don't have time to figure this out right now. -- So I'm attempting exploit the community's capabilities.

我需要学习RegEx,但现在没有时间去解决这个问题。 - 所以我试图利用社区的能力。

I have a string containing a list of acceptable 1-character comment variables.


String comments = "#;";

And I want:


String[] parsedComments = {"#", ";"};

What RegEx string will solve my problems?


String[] parsedComments = comments.split(/*  "???"  */);

6 个解决方案


First, why do you need to break them into an array? A String has almost the exact same methods available to getting chars at indexes and virtually the same performance.

首先,为什么需要将它们分成数组? String几乎有完全相同的方法可用于获取索引的字符和几乎相同的性能。

But, to answer your question:



This will give you an extra empty string at the first pos of the resulting array.



Why do you want to use a regex? Try String.toCharArray() for example.



This should do it, among other weird hacks:


String[] parsedComments = comments.split("(?!^)");

It's hardly a job for regex, though. May as well just iterate across the string and build an array out of each 1-character substring.



I tried to add this as a comment to "Daniel" and "Lazarus", but I don't have enough reputation points yet... unless I am misunderstanding you, you are saying to access the original string using the index. You cannot do that in Java.


String foo = "abcde";
String bee = foo[1]; // not valid

If I have misunderstood you, I apologize. If not, I wanted to clarify that for posterity. :-)

如果我误解了你,我道歉。如果没有,我想为后人澄清这一点。 :-)


I misunderstood you in my original answer. You don't want Regex. Regex is used to find patterns, and you just want to split. You could use an empty string, but that will return an empty string as well as the characters.


Just access through the index.



Just access the string index using comments[0], comments[1] ... comments[n]

只需使用comments [0],comments [1] ... comments [n]访问字符串索引


First, why do you need to break them into an array? A String has almost the exact same methods available to getting chars at indexes and virtually the same performance.

首先,为什么需要将它们分成数组? String几乎有完全相同的方法可用于获取索引的字符和几乎相同的性能。

But, to answer your question:



This will give you an extra empty string at the first pos of the resulting array.



Why do you want to use a regex? Try String.toCharArray() for example.



This should do it, among other weird hacks:


String[] parsedComments = comments.split("(?!^)");

It's hardly a job for regex, though. May as well just iterate across the string and build an array out of each 1-character substring.



I tried to add this as a comment to "Daniel" and "Lazarus", but I don't have enough reputation points yet... unless I am misunderstanding you, you are saying to access the original string using the index. You cannot do that in Java.


String foo = "abcde";
String bee = foo[1]; // not valid

If I have misunderstood you, I apologize. If not, I wanted to clarify that for posterity. :-)

如果我误解了你,我道歉。如果没有,我想为后人澄清这一点。 :-)


I misunderstood you in my original answer. You don't want Regex. Regex is used to find patterns, and you just want to split. You could use an empty string, but that will return an empty string as well as the characters.


Just access through the index.



Just access the string index using comments[0], comments[1] ... comments[n]

只需使用comments [0],comments [1] ... comments [n]访问字符串索引