
时间:2020-11-28 19:21:15

I'm trying to use a regular expression (in php) to find a specific string which must be followed by a non-alpha numeric character (case insensitive).


Example String:
Doggy is a lazy dog! Doggy. Dog and I.

Search String: Dog

Expected Result:
Doggy is a lazy <a href="">dog</a>! Doggy. <a href="">Dog</a> and I.

So it shouldn't match 'Doggy' because the Dog substring isn't followed by a non-alpha numeric character.


I'm trying something along these lines, but it's not doing exactly what I want.


preg_replace("/(dog)[^a-zA-Z0-9\s\p]/i/", "", $str);

2 个解决方案



It sounds to me like what you're actually trying to do here is perform an exact word match. Not necessarily "a string followed by a non-alphanumeric".


You can achieve this with the \b "word boundary" regex anchor:

您可以使用\ b“单词边界”正则表达式锚来实现此目的:

$search = "dog"
preg_replace("/\b".$search."\b/i", "", $str);



Your regex is almost spot on, but there are a few errors:


  1. I assume you want to match Dog with a space after it, if so, remove the \s
  2. 我假设您想要将Dog与其后的空格匹配,如果是这样,请删除\ s

  3. \p isn't a valid regex character.
  4. \ p不是有效的正则表达式字符。

  5. You shouldn't have an extra slash after the \i. \i\ -> \i
  6. 你不应该在\ i之后有一个额外的斜杠。 \ i \ - > \ i

  7. The way your regex currently is, it'll remove the non-alphanumeric character, you can remedy this by surrounding it in a capture group.
  8. 你的正则表达式当前的方式,它将删除非字母数字字符,你可以通过在捕获组中包围它来解决这个问题。

You also have no code to add the anchor tags (<a href=""></a>).

您也没有添加锚标记的代码( )。

So, I've gone and compiled all these into the statement below:


preg_replace("/(dog)([^a-zA-Z0-9])/i", '<a href="">$1</a>$2', $str);

This returns:

Doggy is a lazy <a href="">dog</a>! Doggy. <a href="">Dog</a> and I.



It sounds to me like what you're actually trying to do here is perform an exact word match. Not necessarily "a string followed by a non-alphanumeric".


You can achieve this with the \b "word boundary" regex anchor:

您可以使用\ b“单词边界”正则表达式锚来实现此目的:

$search = "dog"
preg_replace("/\b".$search."\b/i", "", $str);



Your regex is almost spot on, but there are a few errors:


  1. I assume you want to match Dog with a space after it, if so, remove the \s
  2. 我假设您想要将Dog与其后的空格匹配,如果是这样,请删除\ s

  3. \p isn't a valid regex character.
  4. \ p不是有效的正则表达式字符。

  5. You shouldn't have an extra slash after the \i. \i\ -> \i
  6. 你不应该在\ i之后有一个额外的斜杠。 \ i \ - > \ i

  7. The way your regex currently is, it'll remove the non-alphanumeric character, you can remedy this by surrounding it in a capture group.
  8. 你的正则表达式当前的方式,它将删除非字母数字字符,你可以通过在捕获组中包围它来解决这个问题。

You also have no code to add the anchor tags (<a href=""></a>).

您也没有添加锚标记的代码( )。

So, I've gone and compiled all these into the statement below:


preg_replace("/(dog)([^a-zA-Z0-9])/i", '<a href="">$1</a>$2', $str);

This returns:

Doggy is a lazy <a href="">dog</a>! Doggy. <a href="">Dog</a> and I.