Yim文件名/ Vim中当前缓冲区的路径

时间:2022-01-21 19:18:26

Assuming the current buffer is a file open for edit, so :e does not display E32: No file name.


I would like to yank one or all of:


  • The file name exactly as show on the status line, e.g. ~\myfile.txt
  • 完全如状态行所示的文件名,例如〜\ myfile.txt的

  • A full path to the file, e.g. c:\foo\bar\myfile.txt
  • 文件的完整路径,例如C:\富\酒吧\ myfile.txt的

  • Just the file name, e.g. myfile.txt
  • 只是文件名,例如myfile.txt文件

7 个解决方案



:let @" = expand("%")>

:let @“= expand(”%“)>

this will copy the file name to the unamed register, then you can use good old p to paste it. and of course you can map this to a key for quicker use.


:nmap cp :let @" = expand("%")<cr>

:nmap cp:let @“= expand(”%“)

you can also use this for full path


:let @" = expand("%:p")

:let @“= expand(”%:p“)


Vim uses the unnamed register to store text that has been deleted or copied (yanked), likewise when you paste it reads the text from this register.


Using let we can manually store text in the register using :let @" = "text" but we can also store the result of an expression.

使用let我们可以使用:let @“=”text“手动将文本存储在寄存器中,但我们也可以存储表达式的结果。

In the above example we use the function expand which expands wildcards and keywords. in our example we use expand('%') to expand the current file name. We can modify it as expand('%:p') for the full file name.


See :help let :help expand :help registers for details

请参阅:help let:help expand:help寄存器以获取详细信息


Almost what you're asking for, and it might do: Ctrl+R % pulls the current filename into where you are (command prompt, edit buffer, ...). See this Vim Tip for more.

几乎你要求的,它可能会做:Ctrl + R%将当前文件名拉到你所在的位置(命令提示符,编辑缓冲区,...)。有关更多信息,请参阅此Vim提示。


If you want to put the current buffer filename in your system-level clipboard, try changing the register to @+:

如果要将当前缓冲区文件名放在系统级剪贴板中,请尝试将寄存器更改为@ +:

" relative path
:let @+ = expand("%")

" full path
:let @+ = expand("%:p")

" just filename
:let @+ = expand("%:t")

Edit 20140421: I commonly use these, so I created some shortcuts. Linux Vims apparently operate slightly differently than Mac Vims, so there is a special case for that as well. If you put the following in your ~/.vimrc:

编辑20140421:我经常使用这些,所以我创建了一些快捷方式。 Linux Vims显然与Mac Vims的运行方式略有不同,因此也有一个特殊情况。如果你在〜/ .vimrc中放入以下内容:

" copy current file name (relative/absolute) to system clipboard
if has("mac") || has("gui_macvim") || has("gui_mac")
  " relative path  (src/foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>cf :let @*=expand("%")<CR>

  " absolute path  (/something/src/foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>cF :let @*=expand("%:p")<CR>

  " filename       (foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>ct :let @*=expand("%:t")<CR>

  " directory name (/something/src)
  nnoremap <leader>ch :let @*=expand("%:p:h")<CR>

" copy current file name (relative/absolute) to system clipboard (Linux version)
if has("gui_gtk") || has("gui_gtk2") || has("gui_gnome") || has("unix")
  " relative path (src/foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>cf :let @+=expand("%")<CR>

  " absolute path (/something/src/foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>cF :let @+=expand("%:p")<CR>

  " filename (foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>ct :let @+=expand("%:t")<CR>

  " directory name (/something/src)
  nnoremap <leader>ch :let @+=expand("%:p:h")<CR>

Then for example <leader>cf will copy the relative path of the current buffer (the default leader is backslash (\)). I often use these for running commands on a file or doing other things on the command line. I don't really use the last filename / directory name often.

然后例如 cf将复制当前缓冲区的相对路径(默认领导者是反斜杠(\))。我经常使用这些命令在文件上运行命令或在命令行上执行其他操作。我不经常使用最后的文件名/目录名。

You might consider more intuitive mappings like <leader>cfr for relative, <leader>cfa for absolute, <leader>cff for just filename, <leader>cfd for directory.

您可以考虑更直观的映射,例如 cfr表示相对, cfa表示绝对, cff表示文件名, cfd表示目录。


If you do :reg you will see the name of the current file in the % register. You can paste it with "%p, for example.


If, like me, you often switch to the 'alternate' buffer, it is very handy that its full path-and-file-name are put in the # register. You can paste it with "#p, for example.


Note (just in case this is behaviour specific to my setup): I am using VIM 7.4.52 on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS.

注意(以防万一这是我的设置特有的行为):我在Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS上使用VIM 7.4.52。


Combining information from a couple of other answers: If you want to yank the current full path to a file and put it into the command buffer in another window, first do :let @" = expand("%:p"), then move to another window and type Ctrl+R ".

结合其他几个答案的信息:如果你想将当前的完整路径拉到一个文件并把它放到另一个窗口的命令缓冲区中,首先要做:let @“= expand(”%:p“),然后移动到另一个窗口并键入Ctrl + R“。

Useful for copying a file while staying in the same directory and keeping the old one open. For example:


Start: Editing src/com/benatkin/paint/shapes/Circle.java

开始:编辑src / com / benatkin / paint / shapes / Circle.java

  1. Type :let @" = expand("%:p") (The path gets yanked to the main clipboard buffer.)

    键入:let @“= expand(”%:p“)(路径被拉到主剪贴板缓冲区。)

  2. Open a new window with :sp


  3. Type :e Ctrl+R"

    键入:e Ctrl + R“

  4. Use the arrow keys to go back to Circle and change it to Square, and press <CR>


End: Editing src/com/benatkin/paint/shapes/Square.java

结束:编辑src / com / benatkin / paint / shapes / Square.java


I use xclip to access X's clipboard, so I use:


nmap <localleader>d :call system("xclip -i -selection clipboard", expand("%:p"))<CR>


Here is my solution:


" filename / dirname of the current file {{{
    " copy result to the system clipboard and echo the result
    " the cb> prompt means the clipboard
    " *f*ile *n*ame, ex. init.vim
    map <Leader>fn :let @+ = expand("%:t") \| echo 'cb> ' . @+<CR>
    " *f*ile *p*ath, ex. /home/user/nvim/init.vim
    map <Leader>fp :let @+ = expand("%:p") \| echo 'cb> ' . @+<CR>
    " *d*irectory *p*ath, ex. /home/user/nvim
    map <Leader>dp :let @+ = expand("%:p:h") \| echo 'cb> ' . @+<CR>
    " *d*irectory *n*ame, ex. nvim
    map <Leader>dn :let @+ = expand("%:p:h:t") \| echo 'cb> ' . @+<CR>
" }}}



:let @" = expand("%")>

:let @“= expand(”%“)>

this will copy the file name to the unamed register, then you can use good old p to paste it. and of course you can map this to a key for quicker use.


:nmap cp :let @" = expand("%")<cr>

:nmap cp:let @“= expand(”%“)

you can also use this for full path


:let @" = expand("%:p")

:let @“= expand(”%:p“)


Vim uses the unnamed register to store text that has been deleted or copied (yanked), likewise when you paste it reads the text from this register.


Using let we can manually store text in the register using :let @" = "text" but we can also store the result of an expression.

使用let我们可以使用:let @“=”text“手动将文本存储在寄存器中,但我们也可以存储表达式的结果。

In the above example we use the function expand which expands wildcards and keywords. in our example we use expand('%') to expand the current file name. We can modify it as expand('%:p') for the full file name.


See :help let :help expand :help registers for details

请参阅:help let:help expand:help寄存器以获取详细信息


Almost what you're asking for, and it might do: Ctrl+R % pulls the current filename into where you are (command prompt, edit buffer, ...). See this Vim Tip for more.

几乎你要求的,它可能会做:Ctrl + R%将当前文件名拉到你所在的位置(命令提示符,编辑缓冲区,...)。有关更多信息,请参阅此Vim提示。


If you want to put the current buffer filename in your system-level clipboard, try changing the register to @+:

如果要将当前缓冲区文件名放在系统级剪贴板中,请尝试将寄存器更改为@ +:

" relative path
:let @+ = expand("%")

" full path
:let @+ = expand("%:p")

" just filename
:let @+ = expand("%:t")

Edit 20140421: I commonly use these, so I created some shortcuts. Linux Vims apparently operate slightly differently than Mac Vims, so there is a special case for that as well. If you put the following in your ~/.vimrc:

编辑20140421:我经常使用这些,所以我创建了一些快捷方式。 Linux Vims显然与Mac Vims的运行方式略有不同,因此也有一个特殊情况。如果你在〜/ .vimrc中放入以下内容:

" copy current file name (relative/absolute) to system clipboard
if has("mac") || has("gui_macvim") || has("gui_mac")
  " relative path  (src/foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>cf :let @*=expand("%")<CR>

  " absolute path  (/something/src/foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>cF :let @*=expand("%:p")<CR>

  " filename       (foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>ct :let @*=expand("%:t")<CR>

  " directory name (/something/src)
  nnoremap <leader>ch :let @*=expand("%:p:h")<CR>

" copy current file name (relative/absolute) to system clipboard (Linux version)
if has("gui_gtk") || has("gui_gtk2") || has("gui_gnome") || has("unix")
  " relative path (src/foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>cf :let @+=expand("%")<CR>

  " absolute path (/something/src/foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>cF :let @+=expand("%:p")<CR>

  " filename (foo.txt)
  nnoremap <leader>ct :let @+=expand("%:t")<CR>

  " directory name (/something/src)
  nnoremap <leader>ch :let @+=expand("%:p:h")<CR>

Then for example <leader>cf will copy the relative path of the current buffer (the default leader is backslash (\)). I often use these for running commands on a file or doing other things on the command line. I don't really use the last filename / directory name often.

然后例如 cf将复制当前缓冲区的相对路径(默认领导者是反斜杠(\))。我经常使用这些命令在文件上运行命令或在命令行上执行其他操作。我不经常使用最后的文件名/目录名。

You might consider more intuitive mappings like <leader>cfr for relative, <leader>cfa for absolute, <leader>cff for just filename, <leader>cfd for directory.

您可以考虑更直观的映射,例如 cfr表示相对, cfa表示绝对, cff表示文件名, cfd表示目录。


If you do :reg you will see the name of the current file in the % register. You can paste it with "%p, for example.


If, like me, you often switch to the 'alternate' buffer, it is very handy that its full path-and-file-name are put in the # register. You can paste it with "#p, for example.


Note (just in case this is behaviour specific to my setup): I am using VIM 7.4.52 on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS.

注意(以防万一这是我的设置特有的行为):我在Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS上使用VIM 7.4.52。


Combining information from a couple of other answers: If you want to yank the current full path to a file and put it into the command buffer in another window, first do :let @" = expand("%:p"), then move to another window and type Ctrl+R ".

结合其他几个答案的信息:如果你想将当前的完整路径拉到一个文件并把它放到另一个窗口的命令缓冲区中,首先要做:let @“= expand(”%:p“),然后移动到另一个窗口并键入Ctrl + R“。

Useful for copying a file while staying in the same directory and keeping the old one open. For example:


Start: Editing src/com/benatkin/paint/shapes/Circle.java

开始:编辑src / com / benatkin / paint / shapes / Circle.java

  1. Type :let @" = expand("%:p") (The path gets yanked to the main clipboard buffer.)

    键入:let @“= expand(”%:p“)(路径被拉到主剪贴板缓冲区。)

  2. Open a new window with :sp


  3. Type :e Ctrl+R"

    键入:e Ctrl + R“

  4. Use the arrow keys to go back to Circle and change it to Square, and press <CR>


End: Editing src/com/benatkin/paint/shapes/Square.java

结束:编辑src / com / benatkin / paint / shapes / Square.java


I use xclip to access X's clipboard, so I use:


nmap <localleader>d :call system("xclip -i -selection clipboard", expand("%:p"))<CR>


Here is my solution:


" filename / dirname of the current file {{{
    " copy result to the system clipboard and echo the result
    " the cb> prompt means the clipboard
    " *f*ile *n*ame, ex. init.vim
    map <Leader>fn :let @+ = expand("%:t") \| echo 'cb> ' . @+<CR>
    " *f*ile *p*ath, ex. /home/user/nvim/init.vim
    map <Leader>fp :let @+ = expand("%:p") \| echo 'cb> ' . @+<CR>
    " *d*irectory *p*ath, ex. /home/user/nvim
    map <Leader>dp :let @+ = expand("%:p:h") \| echo 'cb> ' . @+<CR>
    " *d*irectory *n*ame, ex. nvim
    map <Leader>dn :let @+ = expand("%:p:h:t") \| echo 'cb> ' . @+<CR>
" }}}