
时间:2022-11-12 19:18:57

I'm editing a number of XML files now that have some kind of structure like:


  <Child name="Fred">
    Some content
  <Child name="George" value="other content" />

In other words, the content of some parent element will be a sequence of child elements (with the same name in this case). As examples, think of a list of items for sale in a catalogue, or even a sequence of <xsl:template> in an <xsl:stylesheet>.


What I would like to do is map some key sequence in vim to go to the next (or previous) child element when I am within the parent element, and ideally to be able to prefix this with a count (so that I can "go to the fifth next child, for example). Ideally, I will need to be outside the content of the Child element for this to make sense, so that inside the Child element I can jump between Grandchildren with the same map. I looked online for plugins/solutions to this and haven't found anything.


What I can currently do is vat<Esc>j in the case where the next Child is on the immediate next line after the close of this Child (similarly vato<Esc>k for preceding Child). However, I have a few problems with this:

我目前可以做的是vat j,如果下一个子节点在该子节点结束后的下一个子节点上(类似的,vato k)。然而,我有一些问题:

  1. I can't prefix this with a count; doing so before the mapping causes weird behaviour (see :help v, prefixing v with count doesn't do what I'd like here); doing so inside the mapping (e.g. v2at) selects successively 'higher' enclosing elements.
  2. 我不能用计数来给它加上前缀;在映射导致奇怪行为之前这样做(参见:help v,在v前面加上count,这不是我想要的);在映射(例如v2at)中这样做,将依次选择“更高”的包围元素。
  3. This won't work if the sequence of Child elements don't follow directly after each other, each opening tag following on the immediate next line from the preceding closing tag.
  4. 如果子元素的序列不直接跟随在一起,每个开始标记都跟随在前面结束标记的下一行,那么这将不起作用。
  5. If I do this on the last Child of a Parent, I'll go to the closing tag of the parent (or some of its text content if it exists, or whatever)
  6. 如果我在父进程的最后一个子节点上执行这个操作,那么我将访问父进程的结束标记(或者它的一些文本内容,如果它存在,或者其他什么)
  7. Clobbers the previously selected region
  8. 破坏先前选定的区域

Number 2 is not hugely critical - I can probably enforce correct formatting on the files I'm editing, and can use xmllint to do this easily. I still would prefer a more 'semantic' approach for elegance and robustness, if possible. Number 3 is really not a big deal, it would just be a nice bonus if I could either stay where I am, or go to the first Child, when on the last Child. Number 4 has yet to be an issue at all for me. Maybe it will interfere with a plugin, or my work in the future, but whatever, certainly not critical.


Number 1 is the critical one though, as I frequently find myself wanting to go so many Children down. Currently, I'm looking for the Child I want to go to, glancing at my relativenumber for that line, then going that many lines down (or up). This is


  • Annoying, and not obvious to the way I think about the content of the XML
  • 这很烦人,我对XML内容的理解也不明显
  • Not easily scriptable/macroable, at least not robustly
  • 不容易脚本化/宏化,至少不健壮

Another possible solution would be to do a search for Child and then go [count]n or [count]N. This has a few issues as well:


  1. Either I have to think of and type the name Child myself, which is entirely not programmable; or I do something like vato<Esc>l* which can't be prefixed by a count in the way I'd want
  2. 要么我自己去想并输入名字子元素,这是完全不可编程的;或者我做一些像vato l*的事情,它不能以我想要的方式以计数作为前缀
  3. Breaks when nesting Child elements inside each other (has use cases), splitting Child elements across separate Parent elements, when the string "Child" appears anywhere other than as a Child element etc.
  4. 当将子元素嵌套在彼此内部(有用例)时,当字符串“子”出现在除子元素之外的任何地方时(有用例),当将子元素分散到不同的父元素时,就会中断。
  5. Clobbers the previous search; this is a nuisance when I'm using the search to highlight something currently relevant, or still want to be able to jump to the next search item after jumping to the next element.
  6. 前面的搜索方法;当我使用搜索来突出显示当前相关的内容时,或者仍然想在跳转到下一个元素后跳转到下一个搜索项时,这是很麻烦的。

Ideally I would create some kind of function+command+mapping that would handle all of this in a robust, intelligent manner. Then I could just mindlessly use my command while editing, and have no headaches trying to record a macro that works by jumping between elements, etc. However, I am still quite new to vimscripting and am not quite sure how to begin.


3 个解决方案



If you need this motion often, it makes sense to create a custom motion for it. With my CountJump plugin, this is very easy:


call CountJump#Motion#MakeBracketMotion('<buffer>', '', '', '<Child', '<Child.*\zs/>\|</Child>', 0)

This will modify the [[ [] etc. motions (you can also choose other mappings), and supports a count, too. (Put this into e.g. ~/.vim/ftplugin/xml_motions.vim.)




They obviously don't satisfy all your requirements but these crude commands may help…



Jump forward/backward to the next XML tag at the same indentation level.




I would probably just adjust the folding (you can turn on XML folding with let g:xml_syntax_folding = 1 and setlocal foldmethod=syntax) so that the child elements are all folded (e.g. zMzr). Then, navigation to childs is a simple "N line(s) up/down" with j / k.

我可能只需要调整折叠(您可以使用let g: xml_syntax_折叠= 1和setlocal foldmethod=syntax来打开XML折叠),以便子元素都被折叠(例如zMzr)。然后,导航到childs是一个简单的“N行(s)向上/向下”,带有j / k。



If you need this motion often, it makes sense to create a custom motion for it. With my CountJump plugin, this is very easy:


call CountJump#Motion#MakeBracketMotion('<buffer>', '', '', '<Child', '<Child.*\zs/>\|</Child>', 0)

This will modify the [[ [] etc. motions (you can also choose other mappings), and supports a count, too. (Put this into e.g. ~/.vim/ftplugin/xml_motions.vim.)




They obviously don't satisfy all your requirements but these crude commands may help…



Jump forward/backward to the next XML tag at the same indentation level.




I would probably just adjust the folding (you can turn on XML folding with let g:xml_syntax_folding = 1 and setlocal foldmethod=syntax) so that the child elements are all folded (e.g. zMzr). Then, navigation to childs is a simple "N line(s) up/down" with j / k.

我可能只需要调整折叠(您可以使用let g: xml_syntax_折叠= 1和setlocal foldmethod=syntax来打开XML折叠),以便子元素都被折叠(例如zMzr)。然后,导航到childs是一个简单的“N行(s)向上/向下”,带有j / k。